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Guide to State Licensing

NSCA’S Guide to State Licensing

is designed to provide members of the commercial electronic systems industry with a general reference of state laws that govern the installation of limited energy systems. It provides a snapshot overview and state code for each U.S. state. The research conducted in this publication reflects changes in state and administrative statutes through July 2023. The Guide to State Licensing is presented for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. Other laws, rules, and legal principles may apply to your company. NSCA recommends communicating with your state’s appropriate board for the most recent information to ensure compliance with licensing guidelines and requirements.

Questions about this publication should be directed to:
Tom LeBlanc, Executive Director
3950 River Ridge Drive NE, Suite B
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for any person, sole proprietorship, company, or corporation that provides sales, installation, maintenance, or monitoring of burglar alarm systems, access control, and closed-circuit TV systems. There are exemptions for companies working only in counties having populations of less than 30,000 inhabitants, licensed consulting engineers, licensed general contractors, and licensed electrical contractors.

Each alarm service provider must be licensed, have a resident Qualifying Agent (excluding contract central stations), and must register each employee agent who sells, installs, services, monitors, or has access to subscriber or alarm information. Background checks are required.

Licenses are specified for: Qualifying Agent (QA); Central Station Operator (CS); Burglar Alarm System (B); Electronic Access Control System (A); Closed-Circuit Television System (S); Locksmith (L); Salesperson (Sales). A statewide electrical administratorlicense for Installation, maintenance, and repair of fire alarm, intrusion alarm, or other limited energy signaling systems of 48 volts to ground or less are exempt from licensure.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for any job or project where an Electrical Contractor proposes to bid, install, maintain, alter, or repair any electric wiring devices or equipment. This includes the solicitation and installation of electrical power or control systems, and maintaining, altering, or repairing electrical power or control systems, as well as any electrical wiring devices, equipment, or any other electrical apparatus.

Low-Voltage Limited/Energy Requirements: Individuals involved with the installation, construction, or maintenance of systems operating on 25 volts or less are exempt from electrical contractor and licensing requirements.

Reciprocity: Electrical Contractor/Electrician: Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia.

Alabama Contractor License Requirements – General Contractor: one who undertakes to construct or superintend the construction, alteration, maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, remediation, reclamation, or demolition of any building, highway, sewer, structure, site work, grading, paving or project or any improvement in the State of Alabama where the cost of the undertaking including labor and materials is $50,000 or more.

General Contractor License Qualifying Party – All applicants are required to take the Business and Project Management for Contractors Examination and/or any Trade Examination(s) as determined by the Board. Reciprocity States: Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorBid, install, maintain, alter, or repair electrical wiring devices, or
 equipment, including solicit, install, maintain, alter or repair
electrical power or control systems, including wiring devices,
equipment, or any other electrical apparatus.
Journeyman ElectricianInstall electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for lighting,
heating, or power or control.
Alarm Monitoring CompanyProvides alarm monitoring services for alarm systems or other
similar electronic security systems whether the systems are
maintained on commercial business property, public property,
or individual residential property. (Burglar alarm, monitoring, CCTV,
electronic access control)
Qualifying Agent (QA)Person in a management position who may supervise the service
or installation of electronic equipment.
Burglar Alarm InstallerInstall and service burglar alarm systems.2020$50$50
Monitoring Station OperatorMonitor alarm systems on client’s property where alarm signals
are received as part of an alarm system and then relayed via
operator to law enforcement officials.
CCTV InstallerPerform the duties for surveillance systems that are a combination
of electronic equipment and devices designed and arranged for
the viewing, monitoring, or recording of video signals
transmitted from transmitters such as cameras to receivers as
monitors, digital video recorder, and network video recorders
through a closed cable of other video signal transmission
Electronic Access InstallerPerforms the duties for systems that are used as a process to grant
or deny an individual access to a specific area or object based
upon his or her possession of an item, code, or physical
LocksmithRepairs, rebuilds, rekeys, services, adjusts, installs locks or
mechanical locking devices, installs or services egress control
devices, vaults, and safety deposit boxes.

Electrical Contractor Board                                                 
2777 Zelda Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36106
#: 334-420-7232  f: 334-263-6115

Electronic Security Board
7956 Vaughn Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36116    
#: 334-557-0983  f: 334-557-0978

Office of the Board
445 Dexter Ave, Suite 3060
Montgomery, AL 36104
#: 334-272-5030


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide Security Systems Contractor license is required for the installation of security alarm systems. For the installation of fire alarms, a statewide Signaling Device Contractor license is required.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide Electrical Administrator license is required for anyone installing or repairing electrical wiring, conduits, devices, fixtures, equipment, or other electrical materials for transmitting, using, or consuming electrical energy, or certifying that an installation or repair complies with applicable electrical codes. Categories include: Controls and Control Wiring (CNTL), Inside Communication (IC), Residential Wiring (RW), Outside Communications (OC), Unlimited Commercial Wiring (UCW), Unlimited Line Work (UL).

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Installation, maintenance, and repair of fire alarm, intrusion alarm, or other limited energy signaling systems of 48 volts to ground or less are exempt from licensure.

Reciprocity: Journeyman Electrician: Arkansas, Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Iowa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorBid, install, maintain, alter, or repair electrical wiring devices, or
 equipment, including solicit, install, maintain, alter or repair
electrical power or control systems, including wiring devices,
equipment, or any other electrical apparatus.
Journeyman ElectricianInstall electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for lighting,
heating, or power or control.
Alarm Monitoring CompanyProvides alarm monitoring services for alarm systems or other
similar electronic security systems whether the systems are
maintained on commercial business property, public property,
or individual residential property. (Burglar alarm, monitoring, CCTV,
electronic access control)
Qualifying Agent (QA)Person in a management position who may supervise the service
or installation of electronic equipment.
Burglar Alarm InstallerInstall and service burglar alarm systems.2020$50$50
Monitoring Station OperatorMonitor alarm systems on client’s property where alarm signals
are received as part of an alarm system and then relayed via
operator to law enforcement officials.
CCTV InstallerPerform the duties for surveillance systems that are a combination
of electronic equipment and devices designed and arranged for
the viewing, monitoring, or recording of video signals
transmitted from transmitters such as cameras to receivers as
monitors, digital video recorder, and network video recorders
through a closed cable of other video signal transmission
Electronic Access InstallerPerforms the duties for systems that are used as a process to grant
or deny an individual access to a specific area or object based
upon his or her possession of an item, code, or physical
LocksmithRepairs, rebuilds, rekeys, services, adjusts, installs locks or
mechanical locking devices, installs or services egress control
devices, vaults, and safety deposit boxes.

Alaska Division of Corporations, Business, and Professional Licensing
333 Willoughby Avenue, 9th Floor,
State Office Building
Juneau, Alaska 99801
#: 907-465-2550  f: 907-465-2974

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for mechanical or electrical devices designed to emit an audible alarm or transmit a signal or message if activated and used to detect an unauthorized entry into a building or other facility or alert persons of an occurrence or medical emergency (silent, panic, holdup, robbery, duress, burglary, medical, or proprietor alarm requiring emergency personnel). Fire protection systems require a license for the installation and repair of fire prevention and protection systems, including all limited energy signaling systems. Alarm Businesses must submit a Controlling Person Application along with the business application.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license may be issued to firms or individuals classified as C-11 or R-11. Contractors must furnish a bond.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Statewide licenses are required for the installation, service, repair, and maintenance of limited energy alarm, intercom, telephone, call, clock, and television systems, including towers and antennas, public address, intercommunication systems, telephone switchboards, call systems, master and program clocks.

Reciprocity: None. R4-9-106(E): “…the Registrar may decide a trade exam is not required where the qualifying party has been the qualifying party within the preceding five years for a license in good standing in the same classification in this state, or a classification the Registrar deems comparable in another state.”

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Acoustical System (CR-1)Commercial only (C-1); Residential only (R-1)Local$116$850$650
Low-Voltage Communications Systems (CR-67)Commercial only (C-67); Residential only (R-67)Local$116$850$650
Fire Protection Systems (CR-16)Commercial only (C-16); Residential only (R-16)Local$116$850$650
SignsCommercial only (C-38)Local$60$850$480
Electrical (CR-11)Commercial only (C-11); Residential only (R-11)Local$116$850$650

Arizona Registrar of Contractors                               
1700 W. Washington Street, Suite 105,                        
Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2812                                       
#: 602-542-1525    f. 602-542-1525                                 

Arizona State Board of Technical Registration
1110 W. Washington St. Suite 240
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
#: 602-364-4930 f: 602-364-4931


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for the installation, service, selling, monitoring, and responding to electrical, electronic or mechanical alarm signal devices, burglar alarms, television cameras, or still cameras used to manually or automatically signal or detect burglary, fire, breaking or entering, shoplifting, pilferage, theft, hold-up, or other illegal or unauthorized activity. Licenses are required for Alarm System Agents, Alarm System Apprentice, Alarm System Technician. Alarm Systems Technician means an individual employed by an alarm systems company who installs, services or repairs on site an electrical, electronic, or mechanical alarm signal device, burglar alarm, television camera, or still camera used to manually or automatically signal or detect burglary, fire, breaking or entering, shoplifting, pilferage, theft, holdup, or other illegal or unauthorized activity.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for electrical work defined as 1) the installation of electrical conductors and equipment within or on public and private buildings or other structures, 2) the installation of conductors that connect the supply of electricity, and 3) installations of other outside conductors on premises.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Electrical Contractor Licenses are not required for construction, installation, maintenance, repair, or renovation of telephone equipment, computer systems, or satellite systems by a person, firm, or corporation engaged in the telecommunications or information systems industry. Also exempt is limited energy work exclusive for communication of data, voice, or other signaling purposes, including fire alarm systems, security systems, and environmental control systems that are not an integral part of a telecommunications system.

Contractor License Requirements – Commercial License: A commercial license is needed if a contractor performs work of $50,000 or more, including, but not limited to, labor and materials on a commercial project. Any project that is not a single-family residence is a commercial project.

Contractor License Qualifying Party – all applicants are required to take the Business and Project Management for Contractors Examination and/or any Trade Examination(s) as determined by the Board.

Reciprocity: The state of Arkansas has entered into reciprocal agreements with the States of Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana in order to allow qualified contractors the ability to move from state to state in the lease restrictive manner.

Journeyman Reciprocal Agreements: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Master Electrician Agreements: Oregon.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Master ElectricianPlan, layout, and supervise the installation,
maintenance, and extension of electrical
conductors and equipment.
Journeyman ElectricianInstall, maintain, and extend electrical conductors and equipment.2020$80$25$25
Industrial Maintenance ElectricianRepair, maintain, alter, and extend
electrical conductors and equipment for
electrical power and control systems on
or within industrial, manufacturing, or
similar type facilities.
Residential Master ElectricianPlanning and supervising the installation,
maintenance, and extension of electrical facilities for one- and two-family dwellings.
Residential Journeyman ElectricianInstallation, alteration, repair, maintenance,
and extension of electrical facilities for
one- and two-family dwellings.
Electrical ContractorMust employ at least 1 Master Electrician.
Control Systems and Instrumentation
(Mechanical and Electrical Contracting).
Cable Television Lines; Communication,
Computer or Sound Systems. Cabling;
Communication Lines and Ducts
(Electrical Contracting) Electrical Signs
(Electrical Contracting). Signal or
Burglar Alarm, Fire Detection
and Monitoring Systems (Electrical Contracting).
2020 $100$50
Alarm Systems CompanyInstall Alarm Systems.
Class E (Levels 1,2,4, M, S)
2020 $600$150
Alarm Systems TechnicianInstall, service or repair onsite electrical,
electronic or mechanical alarm signal devices,
burglar alarms, etc.
2020 $76.25$76.25

Contractors Licensing Board                                       
4100 Richards Road                                                       
N. Little Rock, Arkansas 72117                                      
#: 501-372-4661   f. 501-372-2247                                 
Arkansas Department of Public Safety         
Arkansas State Police
One State Police Plaza Dr.
Little Rock, Arkansas 72209
#: 501-618-8000      

Arkansas Board of Electrical Examiners
10421 West Markham
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
#: 501-682-4548  f: 501-682-4535

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for the installation, service, selling, monitoring, and responding to electrical, electronic or mechanical alarm signal devices, burglar alarms, television cameras, or still cameras used to manually or automatically signal or detect burglary, fire, breaking or entering, shoplifting, pilferage, theft, hold-up, or other illegal or unauthorized activity. Licenses are required for Alarm System Agents, Alarm System Apprentice, Alarm System Technician. Alarm Systems Technician means an individual employed by an alarm systems company who installs, services or repairs on site an electrical, electronic, or mechanical alarm signal device, burglar alarm, television camera, or still camera used to manually or automatically signal or detect burglary, fire, breaking or entering, shoplifting, pilferage, theft, holdup, or other illegal or unauthorized activity.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for electrical work defined as 1) the installation of electrical conductors and equipment within or on public and private buildings or other structures, 2) the installation of conductors that connect the supply of electricity, and 3) installations of other outside conductors on premises.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Electrical Contractor Licenses are not required for construction, installation, maintenance, repair, or renovation of telephone equipment, computer systems, or satellite systems by a person, firm, or corporation engaged in the telecommunications or information systems industry. Also exempt is limited energy work exclusive for communication of data, voice, or other signaling purposes, including fire alarm systems, security systems, and environmental control systems that are not an integral part of a telecommunications system.

Contractor License Requirements – Commercial License: A commercial license is needed if a contractor performs work of $50,000 or more, including, but not limited to, labor and materials on a commercial project. Any project that is not a single-family residence is a commercial project.

Contractor License Qualifying Party – all applicants are required to take the Business and Project Management for Contractors Examination and/or any Trade Examination(s) as determined by the Board.

Reciprocity: The state of Arkansas has entered into reciprocal agreements with the States of Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana in order to allow qualified contractors the ability to move from state to state in the lease restrictive manner.

Journeyman Reciprocal Agreements: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Master Electrician Agreements: Oregon.

License Type DescriptionNEC Version Exam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Low-Voltage Systems (C-7)Installs, services, and maintains all types of communication and low-voltage/limited energy systems that are energy limited and do not exceed 91 volts.2020$450$200$450
Electrical Contractor (C-10)Places, installs, erects, or connects any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, raceways, conduits, solar photovoltaic cells, or any part thereof, which generate, transmit, transform, or utilize electrical energy in any form, or for any purpose.2020$450$220$470
Fire Protection Contractor (C-16)Lays out, fabricates, and installs all types of fire protection systems, including all of the equipment associated with these systems, excluding electrical alarm systems.2020$450$200$450
Alarm Company OperatorPerson who engages in business or accepts employment to install, maintain, alter, sell on premises, monitor, or services alarm systems, and those ancillary devices connected and controlled by the alarm system, including supplementary smoke detectors, or who respond to alarm systems except for any alarm agent.2020 $600$750
Alarm Company ManagerIndividual who is in active control, management, and direction of the licensee’s business.2020 $350$225
Alarm AgentEmployed by an alarm company operator who sells on premises, alerts, installs, maintains, moves, repairs, replaces, services, responds to, or monitors an alarm system, and those ancillary devices connective to and controlled by the alarm system, including supplementary smoke detectors.2020 $55$40
Lock and Security Equipment Contractor (C-28)Evaluates, sets-up, installs, maintains, and repairs all doors and door assemblies, gates, locks, and locking devices, panic and fire related exit devices, manual and automatic operated gate and door closures and releases, jail and prison locking devices, and permanently installed or built in safes and vaults. This classification includes but is not limited to master key systems, metal window guards, security doors, card activated and electronic access control systems for control equipment, motion and other types of detectors and computer systems for control and audit of control systems and other associated equipment. Fire alarms are not included.2020 $250$500

California State Licensing Board                              
9821 Business Park Drive                                           
Sacramento, California 95827                                       
#: 916-255-3900                                                            

Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
2420 Del Paso Road, Suite 270
Sacramento, California 95834
#: 916-322-4000


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: No statewide license is required. Local licenses do exist, and you should confirm with local jurisdictions prior to conducting alarm and fire systems services.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for Electrical Contractors and Electricians, which includes any person, firm, co-partnership, corporation, association, or combination thereof who undertakes or offers to undertake for another the planning, laying out, supervising, and installing or the making of additions, alterations, and repairs in the installation of wiring apparatus and equipment for electric light, heat, and power. “Electric light, heat, and power” means the standard types of electricity that are supplied by an electric utility, regardless of whether the source is an electric utility or the inverter output circuit of a photovoltaic system or a similar circuit from another type of renewable energy system and used and consumed in a real estate improvement or real estate fixture. A license is not required for “maintenance or repair of existing facilities,” which means to preserve or keep in good repair lawfully installed facilities by repairing or replacing components with new components that serve the same purpose.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: No statewide license is required for the installation, maintenance, repair, or alteration of security systems of 50 volts or less, environmental controls, remote radio-controlled systems, electronic computer data processing equipment and systems, communications systems, wiring for sound recording and reproduction systems, centralized distribution of sound systems, public address and speech-input systems, and fire alarm systems operating at 50 volts or less beyond the terminals of the controllers. Some local licenses/permits do exist.

Reciprocity: Journeyman Electrician: Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. Licensees from another state may be eligible for licensure by endorsement provided that the applicant possesses credentials and qualifications that are substantially equivalent to requirements in Colorado for original licensure by examination

License Type DescriptionNEC Version Exam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Residential WiremanWire for, and install, electrical apparatus and equipment for wiring one-, two-, three-, and four-family dwellings.2023$78$130$130
Journeyman ElectricianWire for, install, and repair electrical apparatus and equipment for electric light, heat, and power, and for other purposes in accordance with standard rules governing the work.2023$78$155$155
Master ElectricianPlan, lay out, and supervise the installation and repair of wiring apparats and equipment for electric light, heat, power, and for other purposes, in accordance with standard rules governing the work.2023$78$180$180

Colorado State Electrical Board
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350,
Denver, Colorado 80202
#: 303-894-7800    f. 303-894-2310


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for any person who installs, services, and repairs residential security systems limited to 25 volts and five amperes in one- to three-family residential dwellings, provided the person  is in the employ of an electrical contractor holding an E-1 unlimited contractor license or an L-5 contractor license issued pursuant to subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of this section and the person has successfully completed an apprenticeship and training program established and approved by the Labor Department with the advice of the Connecticut State Apprenticeship Council. Any person authorized to work under this subsection shall not perform telecommunications electrical work, as defined in section 20-340b, except for work involving interface wiring from a residential security system to an existing telephone connection for monitoring purposes.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for “electrical work,” which means the installation, erection, maintenance, alteration or repair of any wire, cable, conduit, busway, raceway, support, insulator, conductor, appliance, apparatus, fixture,  or equipment that generates, transforms, transmits, or uses electrical energy for light, heat, power or other purposes, but does not include limited energy wiring, not exceeding 24 volts, used within a lawn sprinkler system.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for low-voltage/limited energy, alarm or signal work, audio, and sound systems, and telephone-interconnect. The voltage of any system is not to exceed forty-eight (48) volts or eight (8) amperes where such work commences at an outlet receptacle or connection previously installed by a person holding the proper electrical license. The requirements to qualify for this license examination shall be two (2) years as a properly licensed journeyperson or at least six (6) years of equivalent experience and training.

Reciprocity: None.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Limited Electrical Contractor (L-5)Low-voltage/limited energy, alarm or signal work, audio and sound systems not to exceed 25 volts or 5 amps.2020$150$150$150
Limited Electrical Journeyperson (L-6)Same work as the L-5 licensee, but only while in the employ of a contactor licensed for such work.2020$90$120$120
Limited Electrical Contractor (C-5)Low-voltage/limited energy, alarm or signal work, audio and sound systems, and telephone-interconnect not to exceed 48 volts of 8 amps.2020$150$150$150
Limited Electrical Journeyman (C-6)Same as C-5 licensee, but only while in the employ of a licensed electrical contractor licensed for such work.2020$90$120$120
Limited Electrical Contractor (T-1)Perform only work limited to telephone-interconnect systems where such work commences at an outlet receptacle or connection previously installed by a person holding the proper electrical license.2020$150$150$150
Limited Electrical Journeyman (T-2)Same as T-1 licensee, but only while in the employ of a licensed electrical contractor licensed for such work.2020$90$120$120
(Unlimited) Electrical Contractor (E-1)Install, erect, maintain, alter, or repair any wire, cable, conduit, busway, raceway, support, insulator, conductor, appliance, apparatus, fixture, or equipment that generate, transforms, transmits, or uses electrical energy for light, heat, power, or other purposes.2020$150$150$150
Fire Protection (F-1)Layout, on-site fabrication, installation, alteration, maintenance, inspection, testing, or repair of any automatic or manual sprinkler system.2020$150$150$150
Automatic Fire Sprinkler System Layout TechnicianDeigns automatic fire sprinkler system layouts.2020$75$150$150

Department of Consumer Protection, Occupational and Professional Licensing Division
165 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06106
#: 860-713-6000  f. 860-706-1200


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for “Security Business,” which means a partnership, corporation, or other business entity engages in the sales, installation, service, maintenance, repair, replacement, or provision of monitoring services at a customer’s home or customer’s business. Does not include retail location, online or by telephone.

“Security alarm system” means an assembly of equipment and devices arranged to signal the presence of a hazard requiring urgent attention and to which police are expected to respond. This term does not include an alarm installed in a vehicle or on someone’s person.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for “electrical services” or “electrical work,” which means to perform, maintain, troubleshoot, or supervise any electrical work covered by the National Electrical Code (NEC) as adopted by the Delaware State Fire Prevention Commission, which may include but is not limited to, the installation, erection, or repair of any electrical conductor, molding, duct, raceway, conduit, machinery, apparatus, device, or fixture for the purpose of lighting, heating, or power in or on any structure or for elevators, swimming pools, hot tubs, electric signs, air conditioning, heating, refrigeration, oil burners, solar electrical work, generators, windmills, and overhead and underground primary distribution systems.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: No license is required for a communication and limited energy contractor that installs, services, and maintains all types of communication and low-voltage systems that are energy limited. These systems include, but are not limited to, telephone systems, sound systems, cable television systems, closed-circuit video systems, satellite dish antennas, instrumentation and temperature controls, limited energy landscape lighting, directional boring, networking systems, communication systems, and security and burglar systems.  Low-voltage/limited energy fire alarm systems are specifically not included in this section.

Reciprocity: For Michigan and Wyoming, you do not need to submit proof of experience. For Arkansas, Colorado, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia, you must submit proof of experience for a minimum of five years after licensure. Other state licenses will be evaluated by the board.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Master Electrician (EM)Lay out, direct, and supervise the work of other electricians.2014$52$120$155
Master Electrician Specialist (EMS)Same as above but in a limited field of work for which a license is issued (i.e., low-voltage specialty).2014$52$120$155
Electrical Contractor (ECC)Install, repair, or maintain electric wiring, fixtures, signs, apparatus, and appliances designed for using or conducting electric current.2014$52$120$180
Electrical Contractor Specialist (ECS)Same as above but in a limited field of work for which a license is issued.2014$52$120$180
Journeyman Electrician (EJ)Install, repair, maintain  electrical systems, conductors and associated materials and equipment in commercial, industrial, and residential buildings2014$52$110$110
Security Alarm DealerSell, lease, rent out, install, inspect, maintain, service, or repair alarm systems or components thereof, or receiving alarm signals from a subscriber and relaying information concerning such signals to Metro Police or D.C. Fire Department for response to the scene.2014$52$133.1 

Board of Electrical Examiners                                    
Cannon Building, Suite 203                                           
861 Silver Lake Boulevard                                             
Dover, Delaware 19904                                                 
#: 302-744-4500  f: 302-739-2711

Delaware State Police
1441 North DuPont Highway
Dover, Delaware 19903
#: 302-739-5901

District of Columbia

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A district-wide license is required for the sale, lease, rental, installation, service, repair, maintenance, and use of security or fire alarm systems and components thereof, and to license security or fire alarm dealers and agents within the boundaries of the District of Columbia. Any device or system that transmits a signal visibly, audibly, electronically, mechanically, or by combination of these methods to indicate an actual or threatened fire, an actual or attempted burglary, a holdup, an assault, or an unlawful entry at a premises, requiring an immediate response to the scene by the Metropolitan Police Department or the District of Columbia Fire Department. The term “alarm system” shall include a service activated automatically, such as a burglary or fire alarm, and a device activated manually, such as a holdup alarm, but shall not include telephonic lines maintained and operated by public utilities under the regulation of the Public Service Commission over which the signal might be transmitted.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A district-wide license is required for a person engaged in the business of installing, repairing, or maintaining electric wiring, fixtures, signs, apparatus, and appliances designed for using or conducting electric current and coming within the scope of the Electrical Code of the District of Columbia. “Electrician” means any person who designs, installs, maintains, alters, converts, changes, repairs, removes, or inspects electrical wiring, equipment, conductors, or systems in buildings or structures or on public and private space for the transmission, distribution, or use of electrical energy for power, heat, light, radio, television, signaling, communications, or any other purpose, except elevators, platform lifts, stairway chair lifts, manlifts, conveyors, escalators, dumbwaiters, material lifts, automated people movers, and other related conveyances.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: The option to choose a low-voltage/limited energy specialty is included with the master electrician specialty.

Reciprocity: For Michigan and Wyoming, you do not need to submit proof of experience. For Arkansas, Colorado, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia, you must submit proof of experience for a minimum of five years after licensure. Other state licenses will be evaluated by the board.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Master Electrician (EM)Plan, estimate, layout, perform or supervise the installation, erection or repair of any electrical conductor, molding, duct, raceway, conduit, machinery, apparatus, device or fixture for the purpose of lighting, heating, or power in any structure.2014$52 $120$155
Master Electrician Specialist (EMS)Plan, estimate, layout, perform, or supervise the installation, erection or repair of any electrical conductor, molding, duct, raceway, conduit, machinery, apparatus, device or fixture for any 1 of the following purposes: elevators, swimming pools. Electric signs, air condition, heating, refrigeration and oil burners, and overhead and underground primary distribution systems.2014 $52$120$155
Electrical Contractor (ECC)Plan, estimate, layout, perform or supervise the installation, erection or repair of any electrical conductor, molding, duct, raceway, conduit, machinery, apparatus, device, or fixture, for the purpose of lighting, heating or power, in any structure which contains 4 or fewer dwelling units, as determined by the applicable building code.2014$52 $120$180
Electrical Contractor Specialist (ECS)Plan, estimate, layout, perform, or supervise the installation, erection or repair of nay electoral conductor, molding, duct, raceway, conduit, machinery, apparatus, device or fixture, for any of the following purposes: elevators, swimming pools, air condition, heating and oil burners, in any structure which contains 4 or fewer dwelling units, as determined by the applicable building code.2014$52 $120$180
Journeyman Electrician (EJ)(Above)2014$52 $110$110
Security Alarm DealerSell, lease, rent out, install, inspect, maintain, service, or repair alarm systems or components thereof, or receiving alarm signals from a subscriber and relaying information concerning such signals to Metro Police or D.C. Fire Department for response to the scene.2014$52$133.10

Board of Industrial Trades                             
1100 4th Street SW.
Washington, D.C. 20024


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for “alarm systems” – electrical, signaling, or a combination electrical device used to signal or detect a burglary, fire, robbery, or medical emergency. Licensure is required to lay out, fabricate, install, maintain, alter, repair, monitor, inspect, replace, or service alarm systems for compensation including alarm systems. These systems may not exceed 98 volts.

Florida – 489.5185 Fire Alame System Agents (FASA)/Burglar Alarm System Agents (BASA): A certified unlimited electrical contractor or licensed fire/burglar alarm contractor may not employ a person to perform the duties of a fire alarm system agent or burglar alarm system agent unless the persona has successfully completed a minimum of 14 hours of initial training, to include basic fire alarm system technology in addition to related raining in Nation Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards and access control training, with at least 2 hours of training in the prevention of false alarm and background check.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for individuals, firms, or corporations conducting business in the electrical trade field with experience, knowledge, and skill to install, repair, alter, add to, or design, in compliance with law, electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, raceways, conduit, or any part thereof, which generates, transmits, transforms, or utilizes electrical energy in any form.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for “limited energy systems” – include the installation, repair, fabrication, erection, alteration, addition to, or design of electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances, thermostats, apparatus, raceways, conduit, and fiber optics (transmission of light over stranded glass) or any part thereof not to exceed 98 volts. This exemption is for the purpose of transmitting data, voice communications, or commands as part of a cable television, community antenna television, radio distribution, communications, or telecommunications systems. The exemption is limited to electrical circuits and equipment governed by the National Electrical Code (Articles 725, 770, 800, 810, 820).

Reciprocity: No agreements exist with any other states currently; however, several examinations are recognized by the state.  Please confirm with the Board.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Alarm Contractor I (EF)All types of alarm systems for all purposes.2020 $123.75$263.25$296
Alarm Contractor II (EG)All types of alarm systems other than fire, for all purposes.2020 $123.75$263.25$296
Electrical ContractorInstall repair, alter, add to, or design electrical wiring fixtures, appliances, apparatus, raceways, and conduits, including the electrical installation and systems within plants and substations and ALL alarm systems and specialty categories.2020$123.75 $263.25$296
Specialty Contractor (ES)Scope of practice is limited to a specific segment of electrical or alarm system contracting. (i.e. limited energy)2020 $123.75$263.25$296

Department of Business and Professional Regulation
2602 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
#: 866-532-1440


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for any device or combination of devices used to detect a situation, causing an alarm in the event of a burglary, fire, robbery, medical emergency, or equipment failure, or on the occurrence of any other predetermined event.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for the installation, maintenance, alteration, or repair of any electrical equipment, apparatus, control system, or electrical wiring device that is attached to or incorporated into any building or structure in this state but shall not include limited energy contracting. An electrical contractor engages in the business of electrical contracting under express or implied contract or who bids for, offers to perform, purports to have the capacity to perform, or does perform electrical contracting services under express or implied contract. The term “electrical contractor” shall not include a person who is an employee of an electrical contractor and who receives only a salary or hourly wage for performing electrical contracting work.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for the installation, alteration, service, or repair of a telecommunication system, alarm system, or general system involving low-voltage/limited energy wiring. A low-voltage contractor is engaged in low-voltage/limited energy contracting under express or implied contract or who bids for, offers to perform, purports to have the capacity to perform, or does perform low-voltage contracting services under express or implied contract. The Unrestricted Low Voltage License (LVU) covers all low-voltage/limited energy work, including work that falls under the General, Alarm, and Telecommunications Licenses. An employee of a low-voltage/limited energy contractor who receives only a salary or hourly wage for performing low-voltage contracting work shall not be required to be licensed under this chapter, except that those employees upon whom the qualification of a partnership, limited liability company, or corporation rests as outlined in subsection (b) of Code Section 43-14-8.1 shall be licensed.

  • Wiring systems of 50 volts or less and control circuits directly associated therewith.
  • Wiring systems having a voltage in excess of 50 volts, provided such systems consist solely of power limited circuits meeting the definition of a Class II and Class III wiring system as defined in Article 725 of the National Electrical Code; or
  • Line voltage wiring having a voltage not more than 300 volts to ground and installed from the load-side terminals of a suitable disconnecting means that has been installed for the specific purpose of supplying the low-voltage wiring system involved or installed from a suitable junction box that has been installed for such specific purpose.

Reciprocity: The Georgia Board has reciprocal agreements to accept the results of some examinations conducted by North Carolina state boards.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor (C-13, 15a, 15b, 20)(Above)2017$95$306$306
Supervising Electrician (ES)Direct and supervise the performance of electrical work and to perform electrical work.2017$95$306$306
Journey worker ElectricianPerform electrical work.2017$95$306$306
Journeyworker Specialty Electrician (EJS)Performs electrical work related to installing, repairing, altering, and maintaining but not the attachment of lighting and power circuits to the following: electronic equipment, sound public address systems, and communication systems, other than equipment and systems for a single-family, or two-family swelling; master or community radio and television receiving antenna systems; sound recording systems, other than systems for a single-family or two-family dwelling; burglar and fire alarm systems; low-voltage/limited energy remote control, other than a control for a single-family or two-family dwelling; and low-voltage/limited energy communication signal systems.2017$95$306$306
Supervising Specialty Electrician (ESS)Direct and supervise the performance of electrical work related to installing, repairing, altering, and maintaining, but not the attachment of lighting and power circuits, to the following: electronic equipment, sound public address systems, other than equipment and systems for a single-family or two-family dwelling; master or community radio and television receiving antenna system; sound recording systems other than systems for a single-family or a two-family dwelling; burglar and fire alarm systems; low-voltage/limited energy remote control, other than control for a single-family or two-family dwelling; and low-voltage/limited energy communication signal systems.2017$95$306$306

Georgia State Licensing Board for Residential and General Contractors
237 Coliseum Drive
Macon, Georgia 31217


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide Journey worker specialty license is required for burglar and fire alarm systems.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for the placement, installation, erection, or connection of any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, electrical signs, conduits, poles, raceways, and to do the trenching, backfilling, patching, and surface restoration in connection with the installation of conduits and lines which transmit, transform, or utilize electrical energy less than 600 volts phase to phase. This classification also includes the work of the C-15 Electronic Systems Contractor and C-60 Solar Power Systems Contractor.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide Journey worker license is required for any person who performs electrical work related to the installation of communication and signal wires, and related equipment associated with communications systems, security/video and fire alarms, signal/call systems, master or community radio/television receiving antenna systems, sound public address and other systems operating at 50 volts or less.

Reciprocity: None.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor (C-13, 15a, 15b, 20)(Above)2017$95$306$306
Supervising Electrician (ES)Direct and supervise the performance of electrical work and to perform electrical work.2017$95$306$306
Journey worker ElectricianPerform electrical work.2017$95$306$306
Journeyworker Specialty Electrician (EJS)Performs electrical work related to installing, repairing, altering, and maintaining but not the attachment of lighting and power circuits to the following: electronic equipment, sound public address systems, and communication systems, other than equipment and systems for a single-family, or two-family swelling; master or community radio and television receiving antenna systems; sound recording systems, other than systems for a single-family or two-family dwelling; burglar and fire alarm systems; low-voltage/limited energy remote control, other than a control for a single-family or two-family dwelling; and low-voltage/limited energy communication signal systems.2017$95$306$306
Supervising Specialty Electrician (ESS)Direct and supervise the performance of electrical work related to installing, repairing, altering, and maintaining, but not the attachment of lighting and power circuits, to the following: electronic equipment, sound public address systems, other than equipment and systems for a single-family or two-family dwelling; master or community radio and television receiving antenna system; sound recording systems other than systems for a single-family or a two-family dwelling; burglar and fire alarm systems; low-voltage/limited energy remote control, other than control for a single-family or two-family dwelling; and low-voltage/limited energy communication signal systems.2017$95$306$306

Professional and Vocational Licensing Division
PO Box 3469
Honolulu, Hawaii 96801
#: 808-585-3000


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide Limited Electrical Contractor license for limited energy systems is required for fire and security alarm systems.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for any person, partnership, company, firm, association, or corporation engaging in, conducting, or carrying on the business of installing wires or equipment to carry electric current or installing apparatus to be operated by such current, or entering into agreements to install such wires, equipment, or apparatus, shall for the purpose of this act be known as an electrical contractor. An electrical contractor, prior to being issued a license, shall be required to provide proof of liability insurance in the amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($ 300,000) and proof of worker’s compensation insurance if applicable.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for limited energy systems defined as fire and security alarm systems, Class 2 and Class 3 signaling circuits, key card operators, nurse call systems, motor and electrical apparatus controls, and other limited energy applications covered by the NEC. Limited energy systems do not include, and no license of any type is required for, the installation of landscape sprinkler controls or communication circuits, wires and apparatus that include telephone systems, telegraph facilities, outside wiring for fire and security alarm systems that are used for communication purposes, and central station systems of a similar nature, PBX systems, audio-visual and sound systems, public address and intercom systems, data communication systems, radio and television systems, antenna systems, and other similar systems.

Reciprocity: Journeyman: Colorado, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming. Master: Wyoming.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorInstalling wires or equipment to carry electric current or installing apparatus to be carried by such current, or entering into agreements to install such wires, equipment, and apparatus.2017$75$125$100 (Annual)
Limited Electrical ContractorInstall, alter, repair, and supervise the installation, alteration, or repair of special classes of electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment. Special classes/license types include, elevator, irrigation sprinkler, limited energy, manufacturing/assembling, outside wireman, refrigeration, heating and air conditioning, sign, well driller, and pump installer.2017$75$125$100 (Annual)
Master ElectricianPlan, layout, or design the installation of electrical wiring or equipment, or to supervise such planning, layout, or design.2017$75$65$45
Journeyman ElectricianAny person who personally performs or supervises the actual physical work of installing electric wiring or equipment to convey electric current.2017$75$55$45

Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses
11341 West Chinden Boulevard
Boise, Idaho 83714
#: 208-334-3950


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for “alarm system,” which means any system, including an electronic access control system, a surveillance video system, a security video system, a burglar alarm system, a fire alarm system, or any other electronic system that activates an audible, visible, remote, or recorded signal that is designed for the protection or detection of intrusion, entry, theft, fire, vandalism, escape, or trespass, or other electronic systems designed for the protection of life by indicating the existence of an emergency situation. “Alarm system” also includes an emergency communication system and a mass notification system. “Private alarm contractor” is any person who engages in a business that sells, installs, monitors, maintains, alters, repairs, replaces, services, or responds to alarm systems, including fire alarm systems. The Office of the State Fire Marshal does not issue licenses for fire alarm contractors.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities. No statewide license is required.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities. No statewide license is required.

Reciprocity: Alarm Contractor – If you have ever been licensed as a private alarm contractor in other states, Supporting Document CT must be completed by the jurisdictions of licensure where you have been practicing. You are authorized to photocopy the form if necessary.

You must direct the licensing agency/board(s) to return completed Supporting Document CT directly to you.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Alarm ContractorSells, installs monitors, maintains, alters, repairs, replaces, services, or responds to alarm systems (including fire alarms)Local$298$500$450

Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
320 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor,
Springfield, Illinois 62786
#: 888-473-4858


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities. No statewide license is required.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities.  No statewide license is required.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities. No statewide license is required.

Reciprocity: Not applicable.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Not ApplicableNot ApplicableN/AN/AN/AN/A

Indiana State Fire Marshal
Indiana Government Center-South, Room E208
302 West Washington Street,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
#: 317-232-2222 


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for the installation, inspection, maintenance, or testing of all fire alarms, nurse call, and security alarm systems that “annunciate” a call. Systems, whether hard wired or wireless that send a signal, text, phone call, or the like to local fire responders, a monitoring service, security station or individual require an alarm system license, as defined in Iowa Codes 100C and Administrative Rules Chapter 277. A company installing and/or testing such systems and their employees must be licensed as alarm systems contractors and technicians.

Licensing is NOT required for a company that provides monitoring services ONLY. Licensing is also NOT required for CCTV and video recording systems or card reader/door access systems ONLY where no notifications are sent. Alarm licensing is not required for licensed electricians ONLY when installing wiring and components of an alarm system as a licensed electrician working for a licensed electrical contractor.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for an Electrical Contractor – a businessperson or firm that employs electricians to help design, install, and maintain electrical systems. An Electrical Contractor license may be issued to a person  who is licensed as a Class A or Class B Master Electrician, or who represents a company who employs them, and who must show proof and maintain general and complete operations liability insurance in the amount of at least $1 million for all work performed that requires electrician licensing, and be registered with the Iowa Division of Labor (Iowa Workforce Development) as a contractor pursuant to Chapter 91C.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: No statewide license is required for a person performing alarm system installations pursuant to Section 103.14 or to a person who is engaged in the design, installation, erection, repair, maintenance, or alteration of Class 2 or Class 3 remote control, signaling, or power-limited circuits, optical fiber cables or other cabling, or communications circuits, including raceways, as defined in the national electrical code for voice, video, audio, and data signals in commercial or residential premises.

Contractor License Requirements: All contractors who intend to work in Iowa are required to obtain a contractor license. Contractors must list at least one responsible managing employee (RME) and provide a copy of qualification endorsement. Contractors will obtain and maintain current registration (or a written exemption) as a “construction contractor” with the Labor Services Division in compliance with Iowa Code Chapter 91C and Iowa Administrative Code 875-Chapter 150. Visit the Iowa Division of Labor – Contractor Registration for more information. Contractors must provide a copy of the most current certificate of liability insurance on the ACORD form. The ACORD form must show coverage amounts of $1M per occurrence, $1M property damage, and $500k per person.

Reciprocity: Journeyman Electrician: Minnesota, Nebraska, and South Dakota. Master Electrician: Minnesota and South Dakota. If you have held a current license form one of those states for more than a year and have received the license as a result of passing the state’s exam with a score of 75% or greater AND meet Iowa’s licensure requirements for the Journeyman or Master license, you may request the State of Iowa license. Make sure you include a copy of the originating state’s license.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorAffiliated with an electrical contracting firm or business licensed by the board as either Class A or B master electrician.2020 $375$375
Residential Electrical ContractorResidential installation.2020 $375$375
Residential Master Electrician.Plan, lay out and supervise residential installation.2020 $375$375
Master ElectricianPlan, lay out, and supervise the installation of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment.2020 $375$375
Journeyman ElectricianWire or install electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment and supervise apprentice electricians.2020 $75$75
Special ElectricianWiring or installing special classes of electrical wiring, apparatus, equipment, or installations. This includes irrigation system wiring, sign installations, and disconnecting and reconnecting existing AC and refrigeration systems.2020 $75$75
Alarm System ContractorLayout, install, repair, alter, add to, maintain, or inspect alarm systems.2020 $200$200
Alarm System TechnicianLayout, install, repair, alter, add to, or maintain alarm systems as an employee of an alarm system contractor.2020 $125$125



Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing                      
Lucas State Office Building, 3rd Floor,                                                          
321 East 12th Street                                                                                     
Des Moines, Iowa 50319                                                                                   
#: 515-281-7102                                                                                           

Division of Labor
Contractor Registration
150 Des Moines Street
Des Moines, Iowa, 50309-1836 


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities. No statewide license is required.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities.  No statewide license is required.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities. No statewide license is required.

Reciprocity: Not applicable.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Not ApplicableNot ApplicableN/AN/AN/AN/A

Kansas State Fire Marshal
800 Southwest Jackson Street, Suite 104
Topeka, Kansas 66612
#: 785-296-3401 


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities. No statewide license is required for alarm installers.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for an Electrical Contractor. Master electrician – all Electrical Contractors must employ at least one master electrician. Electrician – all electrical work must be performed by, or under the supervision of, a licensed Electrician or Master Electrician.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: No statewide license is required if you are installing or repairing low-voltage/limited energy telecommunications systems of 50 volts or less.

Reciprocity: Electrical Contractor/Electrician – Louisiana, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor (EL-2)Designing, planning, superintending, contracting of, or assuming responsibility for the installation, alteration, or repair of any electrical system used for the purpose of furnishing heat, light, or power, and employs electrical workers to engage in this practice.2017$80$200$200
Master ElectricianAssume responsible charge, supervision, or direction of an electrician engaged in the construction alteration, or repair of any electrical system used for the purpose of furnishing heat, light, or power.2017$80$100$100
Electrician (EL-3)Employed by electrical contractor and is engaged in the construction, alteration, or repair of any electrical system used for the purpose of furnishing heat, light, or power.2017$80$50$50

Department of Housing, Buildings, and Construction
500 Mero Street, 1st Floor,
Frankfurt, Kentucky 40601
#: 502-573-2002


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for life safety and property protection contracting. This includes CCTV Alarm Specialist, Fire Detection and Alarm System Technician, Locksmith Technician, and Security Technician. Security systems and equipment means life safety and protection systems intended to protect from the risk of theft, unauthorized entry, or physical harm to a structure’s occupants or property.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for “Electrical Contractor, which is any person who undertakes to, attempts to, or submits a price or bid or offers to construct, supervise, superintend, oversee, direct, or in any manner assume charge of the construction, alteration, repair, improvement, movement, demolition, putting up, tearing down, or furnishing labor together with material and equipment, or installing the same for the wiring, fixtures, or appliances for the supply of electricity to any residential, commercial, or other project, when the cost of the undertaking exceeds the sum of $10,000.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Life safety and property protection contracting shall not consist of the installation of primary power sources of 100 volts or greater, when such power is being installed to operate limited energy systems.

Contractor License Requirements: §309. Construction Management [Formerly §119] [REVISED, 2022 LEGISLATIVE SESSION, REFER TO R.S. 37:2161] A.1. Any person who performs, attempts to perform, or submits a price, bid or offer to perform work in construction management or program management whose scope of authority and responsibility includes supervision, oversight, direction, or in any manner assuming charge of the construction services provided to an owner by a contractor or contractors, in which the value of the construction project is: a. in excess of $50,000 for a commercial construction project must possess a license from this board in the major classification of building construction, heavy construction, highway, street, and bridge construction or municipal and public works construction.

Reciprocity: Electrical Contractor/Electrician – Any applicant holding a license in good standing in a comparable classification in another state recognized by the respective agency as a reciprocity state may have the trade portion of the examination waived upon written certification from that state in which the applicant is licensed. These states include Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Ohio, Tennessee, South Carolina, Utah, and Texas.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor(Above)2020$50$100$100
CCTV Alarm SpecialistCertify, inspect, install, integrate, sell, and service closed circuit television alarm systems.2020 $250$50
Fire Detection and Alarm System TechnicianCertify, inspect, install, integrate, and service both required and nonrequired fire detection and alarm systems.2020 $350$100
Locksmith TechnicianSells, repairs, rebuilds, recodes, services, adjusts, installs, manipulates, or bypasses a special locking systems, mechanical locking device or electronic locking devices for controlled access or egress to premises, safes, vaults, safe doors, lock boxes, automatic teller machines, other devices for safeguarding areas or certifies, inspects, installs, integrates, sells, and services closed circuit television alarm systems.2020 $250$50
Security TechnicianInspect, install, integrate, sell, and service security systems and equipment or special locking systems.2020 $250$50

Office of the State Fire Marshal                                   
8181 Independence Boulevard                                     
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806                                      
#: 800-256-5452                             

Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors
600 North Street
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70802
#: 225-765-2301


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide specialty license is required for heat activated fire alarms, intrusion alarms, energy management, telephone, cable and closed-circuit television, sound systems, data transmission, conduit and raceway systems, and electrically supervised manual fire alarms and sprinkler systems.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for: Electrician – “electrical installations” means the installation, repair, alteration and maintenance of electrical conductors, fittings, devices and fixtures for heating, lighting, power purposes or heat activated fire alarms, intrusion alarms, energy management, telephone, telegraph, cable and closed-circuit television, sound systems, conduit and raceway systems and electrically supervised manual fire alarms and sprinkler systems. “Electrical installations” includes complete installations related to photovoltaic, fuel cell, and wind power generation systems. “Electrical installations” does not include the installation or repair of portable appliances and other portable electrical equipment, installation of which involves only the insertion of an attachment plug into a fixed receptacle outlet. It is the meaning and intent of this subsection that the word “portable” does not include or apply to any type of fixed electrically operated or driven equipment.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for low energy work defined as individuals or employees installing telephone, cable and closed-circuit television, data transmission, and sound equipment.

Reciprocity: The board shall issue a license to any person who files a sworn application, who is licensed under the laws of another state or territory of the United States and who has been licensed and actively engaged in an electrician’s work for a minimum of 6 years, if that state or territory has licensing standards and experience requirements at least equivalent to this state’s. Current agreements include: Idaho, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Vermont, Wyoming.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Master ElectricianInstalling electrical wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures, and other electrical equipment.2020 $150$150
Journeyman ElectricianElectrical installations in the employment of a Master Electrician, Limited Electrician or Electrical Company.2020 $150$150
Limited ElectricianInstallations limited to a specific type of electrically operated equipment or to specific electrical installations only authorized by this license. (Low energy, Includes fire alarms)2020 $150$150

Electrician’s Examining Board
35 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333
#: 207-624-8457


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A Security Systems Agency is an individual or firm licensed to conduct a business that provides security systems services. Security systems services include providing on a person’s residence or commercial property the service of three things:

  • Surveying the property for purposes of installing a security system:
  • Physically installing, maintaining, or repairing a security system; or
  • Responding to a distress call or an alarm sounding from a security system.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: The State Board of Master Electricians issues two categories of license: Master Electrician and Journeyperson Electrician.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Low-voltage/limited energy licenses are required by individual municipalities or counties.

Reciprocity: The West Virginia State Fire Marshal and the Maryland Board of Master Electricians have entered into an agreement to waive the written      exam for any individual who currently holds a master electrician license issued by either Maryland or West Virginia,   which is in good standing, if the individual passed the written licensure exam in obtaining the other State’s master electrician license and is otherwise qualified.

An individual who is licensed by the West Virginia State Fire Marshal may apply to the State Board of Electricians without having to take the Maryland written licensure exam, so long as the applicant passed the licensure exam in West Virginia and has held the license for at least 2 years in good standing.

Individuals holding a license in good standing in Virginia who have passed the written examination in Virginia may apply for licensure in Maryland without taking the Maryland written exam.

Additionally, licensees holding a Delaware license in good standing for at least 5 years who passed the exam in Delaware may also apply for licensure without taking the Maryland written exam.

Maryland Electrician license is also reciprocal in Washinton DC.

Each licensing authority will review the applications submitted under this agreement to ensure that applicants are otherwise eligible to obtain a license.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Master ElectricianInstall, repair, maintain, erect, or alter any electrical equipment, wiring, fixture, appliance, apparatus, raceway, conduit, or system that generates, transmits, transforms, or uses electrical energy in any form for light, heat, power, or communication.2017$65$20$25
Journeyperson ElectricianProvides electrical services while under the direction or control of a licensed master electrician; and in training to become a master electrician.2017$65$15$15
Security Systems AgencyFirm licensed to conduct a business that provides security systems services. This includes surveying the property for purposes of installing a security system, physically installing, maintaining, or repairing a security system, or responding to a distress call or an alarm sounding from a security system.2017 $100$100 (Triennial)
Security Systems TechnicianIndividual licensed to provide security systems services. This includes surveying the property for purposes of installing a security system, physically installing, maintaining, or repairing a security system, or responding to a distress call or an alarm sounding from a security system.2017 $15$15 (Triennial)

Maryland State Board of Electricians                                    
1100 North Eutaw Street, Room 121                                         
Baltimore, Maryland 21201                                                         
#: 410-230-6163  f: 410-962-8483                                              

Department of Maryland State Police
1111 Reisterstown Road
Pikesville, Maryland 21208
#: 410-653-4500


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for security systems (S-License, formerly “Security Systems Contractor’s License) – an inherently power-limited system of wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures, or other appliances installed and interconnected electrically or electronically to permit access control, proprietary signaling, surveillance, and the detection of burglary, intrusion, holdup, or other conditions requiring response or the transmission of signals or audible alarms. System means a fire warning, security, or other inherently power-limited system, wire, conduit, or device that conducts or consumes electricity and is electrically or electronically activated. To obtain an S-License, a person must first hold a valid electrical or systems license, issued by the Board of State Examiners of Electricians. Individuals employed by an S-License holder must obtain a Certificate of Clearance prior to engaging in security work. To obtain a Certificate of Clearance for employees, the S-Licensed employer must perform a criminal background check on each prospective worker, then submit an attestation, including the results of the background check, to the Department. The S-License requires a CORI check and a certificate of clearance to be performed every two years.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for: “Master Electrician”, which means a holder of a Class A license and a person, firm, or corporation having a regular place of business who, by the employment of journeymen or apprentices, performs the work of installing, repairing, or maintaining wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures, or other appliances used for light, heat, power, fire warning, or security system purposes; provided, however, that no journeyman electrician so employed shall have more than one apprentice under his supervision; and provided, further, that not more than one such apprentice shall be employed for each journeyman electrician purposes. “Journeyman electrician” means a holder of a Class B license and a person qualified to do the work of installing, repairing, or maintaining wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures, or other appliances used for heat, light, power, fire warning, or security system purposes.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license for: systems contractor means a holder of a Class C license and a person, firm, or corporation having a regular place of business who, by the employment of systems technicians or apprentices, performs the work of installing, repairing or maintaining wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures, or other appliances used for systems; provided, however,  that no systems technician so employed shall have more than one apprentice under his supervision; and provided, further, that not more than one such apprentice shall be employed for each systems technician.

Systems Technician means a holder of a Class D license and a person qualified to do the work of installing, repairing, or maintaining wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures, or other appliances used for systems.

Reciprocity: The Board of State Examiners of Electricians currently has reciprocal agreements with New Hampshire for both Master and Journeyman licensees.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Master Electrician (Class A)Installing, repairing or maintaining wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures, or other appliances used for light, heat, power, fire warning or system purposes.2023$276$155$117
Journeyman Electrician (Class B)Installing, repairing, or maintaining wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures, or other appliances used for heat, light, power, fire warning or security system purposes.2023$226$104$78
Systems Contractor (Class C)Installing, repairing, or maintaining wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures, or other appliances used for systems; provided, however, that no systems technician so employed shall have more than one apprentice under his supervision; and provided, further, that not more than one such apprentice shall be employed for each systems technician.2023$276$155$117
Systems Technician (Class D)Installing, repairing, or maintaining wires, conduits, apparatus devices, fixtures, or other appliances used for systems.2023$226$104$78
Security Systems Contractor (S-License)Install, repair, or offer maintenance for security systems. Must have valid electrician license (of any class).2023 $250$125

Massachusetts Board of State Examiners of Electricians                     
1000 Washington Street, Suite 710                                                            
Boston, Massachusetts 02118                                                                    
#: 617-701-8786  f: 617-727-9932                                                             

Division of Occupational Licensure
1000 Washington Street, Suite 710
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
#: 617-701-8600


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Security Alarm Contractor Requirements: A statewide license is required; Security Alarm Contractors are regulated under Public Act 330 of 1968. The Act defines a Security Alarm System Contractor as a business engaged in the installation, maintenance, alteration, monitoring or servicing of security alarm systems or a company that responds to a security alarm system.

Fire Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for: (1) “fire alarm system” means a system designed to detect and announce the presence of fire, or by-products of fire, installed within a building or structure. Fire alarm system does not include a single station smoke detector. (2) Fire alarm contractor, (3) Fire Alarm Specialty Technician, and (4) Fire Alarm Specialty Apprentice Technician.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for “Electrical Contractor” defined as a person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of erecting, installing, altering, repairing, servicing, or maintaining electrical wiring. “Electrical wiring” means all wiring, generating equipment, fixtures, appliances, and appurtenances in connection with the generation, distribution, and utilization of electrical energy, within or on a building, residence, structure, or properties, and including service entrance wiring as defined by the code.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: These systems are exempt from licensure: The installation, maintenance, or servicing of security alarm systems in a building or structure. As used in this subdivision, “security alarm system” means that term as defined in section 6(2)(c).

(l) The installation, maintenance, or servicing of listed residential and commercial lawn irrigation equipment, except any permanent wired connections exceeding 30 volts. (m) The installation, maintenance, or servicing of listed landscape lighting systems and equipment, except any permanent wired connections exceeding 30 volts. (n) The installation, alteration, maintenance, or repair of electric signs and related wiring by an unlicensed individual under the direct supervision of a licensed sign specialist except that the ratio of unlicensed individuals engaged in this activity shall not exceed 2 unlicensed individuals to 1 licensed sign specialist. An enforcing agency shall enforce this ratio on site basis. (o) The construction, installation, maintenance, repair, and renovation of telecommunications equipment and related systems by a person that is primarily engaged in the telecommunications and related information systems industry. This exemption does not include the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, or renovation of a fire alarm system.

Reciprocity: None.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeRenewal Fee
Electrical ContractorErect, install, alter, repair, service, or maintain electrical wiring.2017$100$300$300 (Triennial)
Electrical JourneymanInstall or alter electrical wiring.2017$100$40$40 (Annual)
Master ElectricianSupervise the installation of electrical wiring and equipment in accordance with the standard rules and regulations governing that work.2017$100$50$50 (Annual)
Sign Specialty ContractorManufacture, install, alter, maintain, connect, or repair electric sign wiring or devices, including wiring that is directly related to electric signs and is electrically dedicated as a sign circuit.2017$100$300$300 (Triennial)
Sign SpecialistInstall, alter, and repair electric signs.2017$100$50$50 (Annual)
Fire Alarm ContractorErect, install, alter, repair, service, or maintain wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment of a fire alarm system.2017$100$300$300 (Triennial)
Fire Alarm Specialty TechnicianIndividual other than fire alarm contractor or apprentice technician engaged in design and installation or alteration of fire alarm systems.2017$100$50$50 (Annual)
Fire Alarm Specialty Apprentice TechnicianIndividual other than fire alarm contractor or specialty technician who is engaged about and assisting in the installation or alteration of fire alarm system wiring and equipment under the direct personal supervision of a fire alarm specialty technician.2017$100$15$15 (Annual)

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
611 West Ottawa
Lansing, Michigan 48909
#: 517-241-9316  f: 517-241-0130


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license for Power Limited Technician/Contractor is required to conduct this work. Technicians can be registered as unlicensed while gaining more experience, it is required to work under a licensed technician.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for: Class A – properly lay out and install electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment for major electrical home appliances and such other electrical equipment as is determined by the commissioner pursuant to section 326B.33, subdivision 3, on the load side of the main service on farmsteads or in any town or municipality with less than 1,500 inhabitants, which is not contiguous to a city of the first class and does not contain an established business of a master electrician,  and who is licensed as a Class A Installer by the commissioner. Class B – properly lay out and install electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment on center pivot irrigation booms on the load side of the main service on farmsteads, and install other electrical equipment determined by the commissioner. Install, alter, repair, and supervise the installing, altering, or repairing of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment for single-phase systems of not more than 200 ampere capacity for light, heat, power, and other purposes on any farm or in any single-family dwelling located in any town or municipality that has a population of less than 2,500 inhabitants. “Electrical work” means the installing, altering, repairing, planning, or laying out of electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for electrical light, heat, power, technology circuits or systems, or other purposes. Technicians can be registered as unlicensed while gaining more experience, it is required to work under a licensed technician.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for: Power Limited Technician – an individual having the necessary qualifications, training, experience, and technical knowledge to install, alter, repair, plan, lay out, and supervise the installing, altering, and repairing of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment for technology circuits or systems, and who is licensed as a Power Limited Technician by the commissioner. “Technology circuits or systems” means Class 2 or Class 3 circuits or systems for, but not limited to,  remote control, signaling, control, alarm, and audio signal including associated components as covered by the National Electrical Code, articles 640, 645, 650, 725, 760, 770, and 780, and which are isolated from circuits or systems other than Class 2 or Class 3 by a demarcation and are not process control circuits or systems; antenna and communication circuits or systems as covered by chapter 8 of the National Electrical Code; and circuitry and equipment for indoor lighting and outdoor landscape lighting systems that are supplied by the secondary circuit of an isolating power supply operating at 30 volts or less as covered by the National Electrical Code, article 411. The planning, laying out, installing, altering, and repairing of technology circuits or systems must be performed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the National Electrical Code pursuant to section 326B.35. Subd. 30. “Technology system contractor” means a licensed contractor whose responsible licensed individual is a licensed Power Limited Technician. Technicians can be registered as unlicensed while gaining more experience, it is required to work under a licensed technician.

Reciprocity: Journeyworker: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Master Electrician: Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorHold active master electrician license, and be an owner, officer, or member of the business applying for the license or a W-2 employee who is actively engaged in the company’s electrical work.2023N/A$120$128
Master ElectricianPerform or supervise electrical work.2023$50$60$73
Journeyworker ElectricianPerform and supervise electrical work under the supervision of a master electrician.2023$50$30$43
Power Limited TechnicianInstall, alter, repair, plan, lay out or supervise the installing, altering, repairing, planning, or laying out of electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for technology circuits or systems.2023$50$30$43
Technology Systems ContractorEmployees are Power Limited Technicians2023N/A$128$188
Unlicensed Registered TechnicianPerform work under the supervision of an licensed Technician while gaining experience and tracking hours for licensure. N/A$14 

Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
443 Lafayette Road North,
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155
#: 651-284-5031 (Individual)
#: 651-284-5034 (Contractor)


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license (Class A) is required for alarm systems contracting defined as: an electronic protective system to another, including, but not limited to, the design, planning with the intent to pre-wire, pre-wiring, installation, maintenance, repair, testing, modification, improvement, alteration, inspection, or servicing of an electronic protective system. It also includes alarm verification, burglar alarms, intrusion detection systems or electronic protective systems. Individual licenses are Class B, C, D, and H.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for a “Contractor”, defined as: If you are doing a privately funded job over $50,000 per job or a publicly funded job over $50,000 per job you will have to have a state contractor’s license. For anything that falls below that amount you will have to contact the city or county wherever you will be doing the job and meet their requirements.  Master Electrician licenses are issued at local/municipal levels.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: If you qualify for a contractor license, there are specialty classifications including communication systems required. Communication systems are licensed at the local/municipal level.

Reciprocity: The Mississippi State Board of Contractors has reciprocal agreements with specific boards and in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Reciprocity applies to a waiver of a trade exam only ($50 fee for every exam waived); it does not waive any other application requirements or review by the Board.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Alarm Contracting Company (Class A)Design, plan, with intent to pre-wire, install, maintain, repair, test, modify, improve, alter, inspect, or service an electronic protective system.Local $450$200
Alarm Systems Technician (Class B)Design, plan, specify, lay out, sell, pre-wire, install, maintain, repair, test, inspect, or service an electronic protective system while in the employ of an alarm contracting company.Local $150$50
Alarm Systems Salesperson (Class D)Design, plan, specify, lay out, or sell an electronic protective system while in the employ of an alar contracting company.Local $150$50
Alarm Systems Helper (Class H)Pre-wire or assist a Class B or Class C license holder install or service an electronic protection system while under the direct supervision of a licensed Class B or Class B holder in the employ of an alarm contracting company.Local $150$50
Electrical Contractor (Major Classification)Can classify alarm systems, access systems, and security equipment, communication systems, and low-voltage/limited energy electrical; telecommunications. ($100/classification)Local $400$400

Mississippi State Board of Contractors                       
2679 Crane Ridge Drive, Suite C                                    
Jackson, Mississippi 39216                                            
#: 601-354-6161  f: 601-354-6715                               

Mississippi State Fire Marshal
660 North Street, Suite 100-B
Jackson, Mississippi 39202
#: 601-359-1066  f: 601-359-1076


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: There is no statewide license required, but local jurisdictions do require licenses for specific electrical work.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide Electrical Contractor license is not mandatory. If you work only in places where you are currently licensed, or no license is required, you may not want a statewide license. The statewide license, however, is acceptable in all cities/counties, which may be for you.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: There is an exemption for a contractor engaged in the design, installation, erection, repair, maintenance, or alteration of Class 2 or Class 3 remote control, signaling, or power limited circuits, optical fiber cables or other cabling, or communications circuits, including raceways as defined in the National Electrical Code for voice, video, audio, and data signals in residential or commercial premises.

Reciprocity: Missouri does not currently have any reciprocal agreements with other states. If your license outside of Missouri required you to pass a test and required you to show verifiable hours of practical experience, you may be able to use those to meet the testing and experience requirements to qualify for a statewide electrical contractor license for Missouri.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorInstall, erect, or maintain electrical wiring, fixtures, apparatus, equipment, devices, or components, regardless of voltage that are used for the generation, transmission, and utilization of electricity.Local $200$200

Office of Statewide Electrical Contractors
3605 Missouri Boulevard, PO Box 1335
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
#: 573-522-3280 f: 573-751-6301


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for a Contract Security Company or an Electronic Security Company.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for: “Electrical Contractor”, which means a person, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or combination of these entities that undertakes or offers to undertake for another the planning, laying out, supervising, and installing or the making of additions, alterations, and repairs in the installation of wiring apparatus and equipment for electric light, heat, and power.

(b) The term does not include a person, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or combination of these entities that only plans or designs electrical installations.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Any electrical work not more than 90 volts is exempt from licensure requirements.

 Reciprocity: Residential and Journeyman Electrician licenses are reciprocated for these states: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Master ElectricianPlan, lay out, and supervise the installation and repair of wiring apparatus and equipment for electric light, heat, power, and other purposes under the rules governing this work.2020 $240$200
Journeyman ElectricianWire for, install, and repair electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, power, and other purposes under the rules governing this work.2020 $240$200
Residential ElectricianWire for, install, and repair electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, power, and other purposes in residential contraction consisting of fewer than five living units in a single structure under the rules governing this work.2020 $240$200
Unlimited Electrical ContractorElectrical work for residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional work.2020 $300$200
Limited Electrical ContractorElectrical work to residential construction consisting of less than five living units in a single structure.2020 $300$200
Contract Security CompanyPerson who undertakes to provide a private security guard, alarm response runner, armored car services, street patrol service, or armed carrier service on a contractual basis to another person who exercises no direction and control over the performance of the details of the services rendered.2020 $250$200 (Annual)
Electronic Security CompanyIndividual who sells, installs, services, or maintains a security alarm system and who undertakes to hire, employ and provide alarm response runners and security alarm installers on contractual basis to another person who does not exercise direction and control over the performance of the services rendered.2020 $250$200 (Annual)
Security Alarm InstallerSells, installs, services, or maintains alarm systems to detect and signal unauthorized intrusion, movements, break-in, or criminal acts and is employed by an electronic security company.2020 $100$100 (Annual)

Montana State Electrical Board                                    
301 South Park, 4th Floor,                                               
PO Box 200513                                                               
Helena, Montana 59620                                                
#: 406-444-6880                

Board of Private Security & Investigations
301 S. Park Avenue, 4th Floor
Helena, Montana 59620


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for: Fire Alarm Installer, which is defined as any person having the necessary qualifications, training, and experience to plan, lay out, and install electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment for only those components of fire alarm systems that operate at fifty volts or less and who is licensed by the board.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for Class A and B (Master Electrician and Electrical Contractor). Class A master electrician defines a person having the necessary qualifications, training, experience, and technical knowledge to properly plan, lay out, and supervise the installation of wiring, apparatus, and equipment for electric light, heat, power, and other purposes and who is licensed by the board. A Class B Electrical Contractor license and a Class B Master Electrician license shall be valid only regarding systems of not over 400 amperes in capacity in structures used and maintained as residential dwellings but not larger than four-family dwellings located in any municipality which has a population of less than 100,000 inhabitants.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Electrical contractor/electrician license required for all work (no exceptions).

 Reciprocity: Electrical Contractor: Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, Texas. Journeyman: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorBid, plan, lay out, install, and supervise the installation of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment anywhere in the State of Nebraska.2017$125$125 or $250$250
Journeyman ElectricianInstall electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment, and to supervise apprentice electricians, anywhere in the State of Nebraska.2017$60$25 Or $50$50
Residential JourneymanInstall electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment for residential installations and to supervise apprentice electricians. Residential installations are defined as installations intended for a single-family or two-family residential dwelling, or a multi-family residential dwelling not larger than three stories in height.2017$60$25 Or $50$50
Apprentice ElectricianElectrical wiring under direct personal on-the-job supervision and control and in the immediate presence of a licensee under the State Electrician Act. The licensee may employ or supervise apprentice electricians at a ratio not to exceed three apprentice electricians to one licensee.2017 $20 Or $40$40
Fire Alarm InstallerPlan, lay out, and install electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment for only those components of fire alarm systems that operate at 50 volts or less, anywhere in the State of Nebraska.2017$60$25 Or $50$50

Nebraska Electrical Division
1220 Lincoln Mall, Suite 125
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
#: 402-471-3550  f: 402-471-4297



Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for fire detection (subclassification C-2c or C-41c): the installation, alteration, and repair of electrical sensors and alarms used to detect heat and smoke, including all appurtenances and related wiring.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide Electrical Contractor license is required (C-2) with several classifications underneath the C-2 license. Electrical work is defined as the installation, alteration, and repair of electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, and apparatuses, and the performance of any related wiring on existing structures.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for low-voltage/limited energy systems (subclassification C-2d): The installation, alteration, and repair of systems that use fiber optics or do not exceed 91 volts, including telephone systems, sound systems, cable television systems, closed-circuit video systems, satellite dish antennas, instrumentation and temperature controls, computer networking systems, and landscape lighting. Classification C-42: Constructing, altering, or improving video service networks. The Board will grant qualified applicants a license in the specialty of constructing, altering, or improving video service networks. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-42” license. A person who holds a classification C-42 license may construct, alter or improve video service networks.

 Reciprocity: Under certain circumstances the Nevada State Contractors Board will waive the state specific trade examination requirements and the experience certification process requirement for applicants that qualify for licensure by endorsement. These waivers are granted for applicants who are licensed in a state determined by Nevada to have substantially equivalent requirements. These states include Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Electrical Wiring (C-2a)The installation, alteration, and repair of electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, and apparatuses, and the performance of any related wiring on existing structures.2017$300$600$600
Fire Detection (C-2c)The installation, alteration, and repaid of electrical sensors and alarms used to detect heat and smoke, including all appurtenances and related wiring.2017$300$600$600
Low-Voltage Systems (C-2d)(Above)2017$300$600$600
Lines to Transmit Electricity (C-2e)The installation, alteration, and repair of overhead or underground secondary lines that transmit electricity, including the installation of poles, towers, anchors, guys, transformers, substations, circuit breakers, and any other related hardware, equipment, or systems.2017$300$600$600
Fire Alarms (C-41c)The installation, alteration, repair, and servicing of electrical sensors and alarms used to detect heat and smoke, including all appurtenances and related wiring.2017$300$600$600

Nevada State Contractors Board
5390 Kietzke Lane, Suite 102
Reno, Nevada 89511
#: 702-486-1100 (Southern Nevada)
#: 775-688-1141 (Northern Nevada)


New Hampshire

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: Voluntary license for fire alarm systems went into effect Jan. 1, 2005. “Fire alarm system” means those assemblies of wiring for installations such as electronic transmitting devices, detection devices, control panels, and related equipment for the detection of products of combustion or flammable gases and for alerting occupants, including fire department personnel, of a fire emergency. “Installation” means the initial placement of portable fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing systems, fire sprinkler systems or fire alarm systems or the extension, modification, or alteration of equipment after the initial placement, and includes the inspection and testing of the equipment attendant to the placement or alteration of portable fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing systems, fire sprinkler systems or fire alarm systems.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for Master and Journeyman Electrician defined as: “Electrical installations’’ means the installation, repair, alteration and maintenance of electrical conductors, fittings, devices and fixtures for heating, lighting, or power purposes, regardless of the voltage. The term does not include the installation or repair of portable appliances and other portable electrical equipment, installation of which involves only the insertion of an attachment plug into a fixed receptacle outlet. The word “portable” does not include or apply to any type of fixed electrically operated or driven equipment.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Person who makes or hires or employs anther to make, electrical installations, repairs, alterations, or maintenance to automatic irrigation systems operating at 30 volts or less are exempt from licensure requirements.

Reciprocity: Electrical Contractor/Electrician – The Electrical Safety Section currently has active reciprocal agreements for the Master and Journeyman license with Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Master ElectricianPerson either employed by another master electrician or who, as a business, hires or employees another to do electrical work, or, without hiring another, makes electrical installations as a principal or auxiliary business for his or her own account.2020$50$270$270
High/Medium Voltage ElectricianPerson who hires or employs another to make electrical installation on high/medium voltage power distribution systems operating at over 600 volts, or without hiring another, makes electrical installation on high/medium voltage power distribution systems operating at over 600 volts, including associated controls and metering as a principal or auxiliary business for their own account.2020$50$270$270
Journeyman ElectricianInstall electrical wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures, and other electrical equipment.2020$50$150$150
Apprentice ElectricianEngaged in the learning and assisting in making electrical installation under the direct supervision of a master or journeyman electrician.2020$30$30$30
Unlimited Fire Alarm System TechnicianA person who meets the requirements of a limited fire alarm systems technician and is permitted to service, program, and test systems in accordance with applicable codes, standards, and regulations. This person can also service in a supervisory position.2020   
Limited Fire Alarm System TechnicianPerson proficient in the installation of associate fire alarm systems equipment and qualified to work unsupervised and with other limited and unlimited technicians. Does not include service, programming, or testing of systems.2020   

New Hampshire Electrician’s Board                            
7 Eagle Square                                                                
Concord, New Hampshire 03301                                  
#: 603-271-2152                                                             

New Hampshire Division of Fire Safety
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, New Hampshire 03305
#: 603-223-4289  f: 603-223-4294

New Jersey

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for Alarm Business, which includes the installation, sales, servicing, or maintenance of (1) perimeter intrusion protection systems, (2) unmanned aerial drones used to protect the premise, building or complex, and (3) any artificial intelligence and evolving technology used for physical security applications consisting of a deice or machine, computer, or software used for detection, security, surveillance, monitoring of unauthorized access, or providing a warning of intrusion, which is designed to discourage crime or warn of potential threats.

“Fire alarm” means a security system comprised of an interconnected series of alarm devices or components, including systems interconnected with radio frequency signals, which emits an audible, visual, or electronic signal indicating an alarm condition and which provides a warning of the presence of gas, smoke or fire. “Access control system” means a system that provides access to authorized persons and may record and report which persons entered or exited a facility or areas within a facility, which doors or areas were accessed while persons are within a facility, and the time that such activity occurred. “Access control systems” may include the use of keys, access cards, locks, card readers, biometric identification devices, recorders, printers, and control devices. “Access control systems” may be independent systems or may be integrated with other electronic security systems. “Closed-circuit television” or “CCTV” means a video security system that may include video cameras, IP (Internet Protocol) cameras, monitors, switches, camera enclosures, controls, and other related devices. “Closed-circuit television” may be an independent system or may be integrated with other electronic security systems.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for: “Electrical Contractor”, which means a person who engages in the business of contracting to install, erect, repair, or alter electrical equipment for the generation, transmission, or utilization of electrical energy.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Exemptions are provided for “telecommunications wiring” meaning wiring within a premises, either inside or outside a building for voice and/or data transmission at voltage(s) compatible with the system being installed and connected to an FCC recognized communication network at the point of connection provided by the public utility providing communication services to the customer. It shall also include the interconnection of data wiring between computers and/or terminals. There is also an exemption for any potential work of less than 10 volts.

Reciprocity: None.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor(Above)2020$100$225$225
Journeyman Electrician 2020$100$90$90
Alarm Business(Above)2020$100$150$150

Board of Examiners and Electrical Contractors
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor,                                               
PO Box 45006                                                                     
Newark, New Jersey 07101                                                
#: 973-504-6410                                                                  

New Jersey Office of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Advisory Committee
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor
Newark, New Jersey 07102

New Mexico

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: Low-voltage/limited energy special systems cover alarm work. (ES-3)

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for: EE-98 defined as residential and commercial electrical wiring 5000 volts, nominal or less. Requires four years’ experience. Includes all electrical wiring operating at 5000 volts, nominal, or less, electrical wiring identified in electrical specialty classifications ES-1, ES-2, ES-3 and ES-7, residential electrical wiring identified in classification ER-1, and only trenching and ductwork associated with classification EL-1. Does not include electrical wiring defined in the EL-1 classification other than trenching and duct work as specified above. May bid and contract as the prime contractor of an entire project provided the electrical contractor’s portion of the contract, based on dollar amount, is the major portion of the contract. Electrical wiring is defined as installation; alteration; connection; maintenance; demolition; or repair of raceways; conduits; conductors; cables; boxes; fittings; wiring. 

devices; luminaires; overcurrent devices; distribution equipment; or other equipment or apparatus that is used as part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for a variety of specialties including ES-3: Low-voltage special systems (under 50 volts). Requires two years of experience. Public address or other sound, voice communication systems normally involve low energy signal circuits. Also, electrical burglar and fire alarm systems, computer data systems, one and two-family and multifamily dwelling telephone systems and cable TV systems normally involving coaxial cable for the purpose of transmitting R.F. signals and other intelligence by wire and cable. Includes other low-voltage/limited energy specialty systems such as, but not limited to, door and gate operated control circuits, and temperature control circuits. An installer of TVROs (dishes) is not required to have a contractor’s license when the installation is in a single-family dwelling and does not require the use of 120 volts for tracking.

ES-7 Telephone Communication Systems – Requires two years of experience. In-plant and out-plant telephone systems, telephone interconnections in public or privately owned buildings, computer data systems and underground cables or aerial supporting structures, trenching, duct work, terminal facilities, repeaters, including the installation of instruments at their terminating locations. Interior wiring of a building housing any of the above equipment requires an EE-98 classification.

Reciprocity: New Mexico has reciprocal licensing agreements, for a Journeyman certificate/license only, with the following states:  Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Electrical Signs and Outline Lighting (ES-1)Electrical outs and outline lighting, including electrical wiring to connect signs installed where a sign circuit has been provided within 10 feet, and concrete for the foundation of poles, and build structures for the support of such signs. Outline lighting us an arrangement of incandescent lamps or gaseous tubes to outline and call attention to certain feature such as the shape of a building or the decoration of a window.2020$68.88$45$300
Cathodic Protection and Lightening Protection Systems (ES-2)Electrically activates systems to prevent galvanic damage to metallic pipes or structures, usually underground and electrical work involved in the equipment for connection rectifier systems. Also includes lightning protection systems. May not install the service riser, main service or service grounding.2020$68.88$45$300
Low-Voltage Systems (ES-3)(Above)2020$68.88$45$300
Telephone Communication Systems (ES-7)(Above)2020$68.88$45$300
Residential/Commercial Electrical Contractor(Above)2020$296$45$300

Construction Industries Division
5500 San Antonio Drive, Suite F
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109
#: 505-222-9801

New York

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for Security or Fire Alarm Installer defined as: installs, maintains, or services alarm systems, including such items as the detectors, control devices, and alarm communication systems; or if it holds itself out to the public as being able to do so. A Security and Fire alarm Installer license is required for the installation, maintenance or servicing of the following: (1) a closed-circuit television system (CCTV) if such system is used, either full-time or part- time, for the detection or monitoring of intrusion, break-in, theft, movement, sound, or fire; and (2) electrical entry systems which detect and/or provide notification of intrusion, break-in, theft, movement, sound, or fire regardless of the number of entry points.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: Electrician/contractor licensing is regulated at the local/city level.  Please confirm with the municipality any required licenses.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Low-voltage/limited energy license is regulated at the local/city level. Please confirm with the municipality any required licenses.

Reciprocity: None.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Security or Fire Alarm System InstallerInstalls, services, or maintains security or fire alarm systems to detect intrusion, break-in, movement, sound or fire.2017$15$185$100

Division of Licensing Services
123 William Street, Suite 19
New York, New York 10038
#: 518-474-4429  f: 518-473-6648

North Carolina

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required. No person, firm, association, corporation, or department or division of a firm, association, or corporation, shall engage in or hold itself as engaging in alarm systems business without first being licensed. An LV license is required before applying for an alarm license.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide Electrical Contractor license is required. See requirements for fire alarm/burglar alarm and low-voltage/limited energy wiring systems. (SP-FA-LV)

A statewide license is required for: Limited, under which a licensee shall be permitted to engage in a single electrical contracting project of a value not in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) and on which the equipment or installation in the contract is rated at not more than 600 volts; Intermediate, under which a licensee shall be permitted to engage in a single electrical contracting project of a value not in excess of one hundred thirty thousand dollars ($130,000); Unlimited, under which a licensee shall be permitted to engage in any electrical contracting project regardless of value.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for fire alarm, burglar alarm, and limited energy wiring systems defined as: 1) wiring systems of 50 volts or less and control circuits directly associated therewith; (2) wiring systems that have a voltage in excess  of 50 volts and consist solely of power limited circuits meeting the definition of a Class II or Class III wiring system in the National Electrical Code or paging systems not in excess of 70 volts; (3) line voltage wiring that has a voltage not in excess of 300 volts to ground and is installed from the load-side terminals of a disconnecting means or from a junction box, either of which has been installed by others, for the specific purpose of supplying the limited energy wiring system involved. Some limited energy wiring systems that meet this definition are exempt under Rule .0805. (4) interconnected components wired to a common control panel either as a standalone fire alarm system or as part of a combination burglar/fire system to monitor and annunciate the status of evidence of flame, heat, smoke, or water flow within a building or structure in accordance with the requirements of the N.C. State Building Code and NFPA 72; or alarm systems/devices used to detect burglary or theft as defined in G.S. 740.2 (a).

You are exempt from low-voltage/limited energy licensing if: (1) the system is not required by the N.C. State Building Code; (2) the low-voltage control circuit and power supply is a Class II or Class III system as defined in the National Electrical Code other than that described in Rule .0804; (3) the system operates at a voltage not in excess of 50 volts or meets the provisions for sound-recording and similar equipment in the National Electrical Code; (4) no part of the system is installed in an area considered as hazardous under the National Electrical Code; (5) the system  is current limited or protected by a circuit breaker, fuse, or other current limiting device; and (6) a failure in the system would not, in the opinion of the electrical inspector having jurisdiction, create a shock or fire hazard to persons or property.

Reciprocity: The Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors currently has agreements with Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor UnlimitedEngage in any electrical contracting project regardless of value.2020$125$200$200
Electrical Contractor IntermediateEngages in a single electrical contracting project of a value not in excess of $150,000.2020$125$150$150
Electrical Contractor LimitedEngage in a single electrical contracting project of a value not in excess of $60,000 and on which the equipment or installation in the contract is rated not more than 600 volts.2020$125$100$100
Electrical Contractor Special Restricted – Fire Alarm/Low-Voltage (SP-FA-LV)Install, maintain, or repair only low-voltage/limited energy wiring and directly related wiring.2020$125$100$100
Electrical Contractor Special Restricted – Electric Sign (SP-ES)Install, maintain, or repair electric wiring or devices only as an incident to the licensee’s electric sign business. Furthermore, the license authorizes the licensee to install, maintain, or repair only wiring that is directly related to electronic signs and is electrically isolated form the building wiring system.2020$125$100$100

North Carolina Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors                 
505 North Greenfield Parkway, Suite 101                                   
Garner, North Carolina 27529                                                               
#: 919-733-9042       f: 800-691-8399 

Alarm Service Licensing Board
3101 Industrial Drive, Suite 104
Raleigh, North Carolina 27609

North Dakota

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: Fire alarm systems are covered under the electrical license requirements. Local jurisdictions may have separate requirements. Security systems/alarms are regulated at the local level.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for: Class B Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, or Master Electrician.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Exception for licensure includes: As provided in article 640, 2020 edition, National Electrical Code, sound reproduction and similar equipment; in Article 800, 2020 edition, National Electrical Code, communication circuits; and in Article 725, 2020 edition, National Electrical Code, for Class 2 and Class 3 remote control and signaling circuits.

Reciprocity: North Dakota has agreements for the Master and Journeyman Licenses with Minnesota and South Dakota. It has agreements for the Journeyman License only with Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Utah, and Wyoming.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Master ElectricianPlan, layout, and supervise the installation and repair of electrical wiring apparatus, and equipment for electric light, heat, power, ad power limited systems, in accordance with the standard rules and regulations governing such work.2020$50$50$50
Journeyman ElectricianWire, install, and repair electrical apparatus and equipment and power limited systems in accordance with the standard rules and regulations governing such work.2020$25$25$25
Class B ElectricianSame as above but with further experience in farmstead or residential wiring and shall have passed an examination before the state electrical board based upon the National Electrical Code as it applies to farmstead or residential wiring.2020$40$40$40
Power Limited ElectricianPlan, layout, and supervise the installation and repair of power limited systems.2020$50$50$50

North Dakota State Electrical Board
1929 North Washington Street, Suite A-1
PO Box 7335
Bismarck, North Dakota 58507
#: 701-328-9522  f: 701-328-9524


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: The State of Ohio requires Fire Protection Licenses when servicing, testing, repairing, maintenance, or installation of fire protection equipment or fire-fighting equipment for profit. Separate licenses are required for fire alarms, sprinkler systems, suppression systems, etc. Security systems/alarms are regulated at the local level.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license exists for an Electrical Contractor who engages in the business of contracting to install, erect, repair or alter electrical equipment for the generation, transmission, or utilization of electrical energy.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Low-voltage/limited energy work is exempt from electrical contractor licensure for work that is limited to the construction, improvement, renovation, repair, testing, or maintenance of the following systems using less than 50 volts of electricity: fire alarm or burglar alarm, cabling, tele-data sound, communication, and landscape lighting and irrigation.

Reciprocity: The Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board has (electrical) reciprocal agreements with: Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor(Above)2017$138$25$50
Fire Protection Certification(Above)2017$35$50 

Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board
77 South High Street, 20th Floor,
Columbus, Ohio 43215
#: 616-644-3493


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Company Requirements: Alarm companies in Oklahoma are regulated by the Oklahoma Department of Labor through the Alarm and Locksmith Division. All alarm companies must be licensed. Part of the licensing process includes a thorough background check of the employees that have access to customer files and who directly contact the customer.

Electrical Contractor Alarm System Requirements:  A statewide Alarm Endorsement is required: Licensed electrician or registered electrical apprentice who has met the endorsement requirements and holds a current valid electrical license or registration may install, service, or repair alarm or security systems or electronic security devices such as residential or commercial burglar alarms or security systems, electronic access control, closed circuit television nurse call systems and the like pursuant to the regulations governing that electrical license or registration.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for Limited/Unlimited Electrical Contractors. “Electrical firm” means any firm, corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture, or any other business entity engaged in the business of planning, contracting, supervising or furnishing labor or labor and materials for the installation, repair, maintenance or renovation of electrical facilities according to the Act. “Electrical facility” means wiring, fixtures, appurtenances, and appliances used for and in connection with a supply of electricity but excludes the connection with a power meter or other supply source.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: There is no exemption for licensure. Please review the Alarm Systems requirements.

Reciprocity: The Oklahoma Construction Industries Board currently has reciprocal agreements with: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorPlanning, superintending, and practical installation of electrical facilities who is familiar with the laws, rules, and regulations governing such work.2020$100$330$200
Unlimited Electrical ContractorUnlimited Electrical Contractors are unlimited in the type of electrical contracting they can perform.2020$100$330$200
Limited Electrical ContractorMust be an owner, partner, or officer in an electrical firm and are prohibited from engaging in the work an apprentice of journeyman electrician.2020$100$330$200
Journeyman ElectricianEngages in actual installation, alteration, repair, or renovation of electrical facilities or electrical construction work unless specifically exempted by the provisions of the Electrical License Act.2020$100$75$75
Alarm Endorsement(Above)2020 $75$25

Oklahoma Construction Industries Board                
2401 Northwest 23rd Street, Suite 2F                           
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107                                 
#: 405-521-6550  f: 405-521-6525                               

Oklahoma Department of Labor
409 NE 28th St, 3rd Floor
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105
#: 405-521-6100  f:405-521-6018


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for Limited Energy Technician Class B – This license allows the holder to install, alter, or repair all limited energy systems that do not include protective signaling, including but not limited to: (1) protective signaling (fire alarm, nurse call, burglar alarm, security and voice evacuation systems part of fire or life safety system), (2) HVAC, (3) Boiler controls, (4) Intercom and paging systems, (5) Clock systems, (6) Data telecommunications installations, (7) Instrumentation.

Contractor Requirements: Oregon law requires anyone who works for compensation in any construction activity involving improvements to real property to be licensed with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB). Construction activity includes roofing, siding, painting, carpentry, concrete, on-site appliance repair, heating and air conditioning, home inspections, tree service, plumbing, electrical work, floor covering, manufactured dwelling installation, land development, and most other construction and repair services.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for an Electrical Contractor license which is a specialized license allowing a company to engage in the business of making electrical installations.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for Limited Energy Technician Class A – “Limited energy electrical activity” means installation, alteration, maintenance, replacement, or repair of electrical wiring and electrical products that do not exceed 100 volt-amperes  in Class 2 and Class 3 installations, or that do not exceed 300 volt-amperes for landscape limited energy lighting systems that are cord connected to a ground fault circuit interrupter receptacle, under the electrical specialty code and the Low-Rise Residential Dwelling Code.

Reciprocity: Journeyman: Arkansas, Idaho, Maine, Montana, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. General Supervising Electrician: Arkansas and Utah.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
General Supervising Electrician (S)Design, plan, and lay out work and sign all permits. Only individuals authorized to direct, supervise, or control the installation or alteration of an electrical service.2020 $100$100
General Journeyman Electrician (J)Make any electrical installation under the supervision, direction, and control of a general supervising electrician, unless doing the work that requires the direction or a limited supervising electrician or doing work requiring no supervision.2020 $100$100
Limited Supervising Electrician (PS)Design, plan, and lay out work; sign all permits; licensee is the only individual authorized to direct, supervise, or control the installation, maintenance, replacement, and repair of electrical wiring and electrical products on or in an existing operable plant, hospital, commercial building, or institution.2020 $100$100
Limited Residential Electrician (LR)Make electrical installations on one- and two-family or multi-family dwelling units, not exceeding three floors above grade. Must work under the supervision, direction, and control of a general supervising electrician.2020 $100$100
Limited Energy Technician (LEA)Install, alter, and repair all limited energy systems. An LEA must be licensed as an Electrical Contractor or must work for an Electrical Contractor, Limited Energy Contractor, or one employer in an industrial plant.2020 $50$50
Limited Energy Technician (LEB)Perform limited energy electrical activity that does not include protective signaling. A LEB must be licensed as an Electrical Contractor or must work for Electrical Contractor, Limited Energy Contractor, or for one employer in an industrial plant.2020 $50$50
Limited Journeyman Sign Electrician (SIF)Install and service electrical signs and outline lighting. Must be employed by a Limited Sign Contractor.2020 $50$50
Electrical Contractor (C)Allows Company to engage in the business of making electrical installations.2020$60$125$125 (Annual)
Limited Energy Contractor (CLE)Allows a company to make, direct, supervise or control work on limited energy systems. The scope of limited energy installation is limited to the signing supervisors license limitations2020$60$125$125 (Annual)
Limited Sign Contractor (CLS)Allows a company to make, direct, supervise, or control work on limited energy systems. The scope of limited installations allowed is limited to the signing supervisors license limitations.2020$60$125$125 (Annual)

Building Codes Division                                  
1535 Edgewater Street Northwest
Salem, Oregon 97304
#: 503-373-1268  f: 503-378-2322

Construction Contractor Board
201 High St St, Suite 600
PO Box 14140
Salem, Oregon 97309-5052
#: 503-378-4621


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities. No statewide license is required.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities. No statewide license is required.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Licenses are required by local jurisdictions and municipalities. No statewide license is required.

Reciprocity: Not applicable.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeRenewal Fee
Not ApplicableNot Applicable2017N/AN/AN/A

Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
1700 Labor and Industry Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
#: 717-787-5279

Rhode Island

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide Alarm Business license is required for any business, both resident and non-resident, who installs, maintains, alter, repairs, replaces, or services alarm systems or that responds to, or causes others to respond to, alarm systems or protected premises. Must maintain 24-hour per day service structure.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for Electrical Contractor defined as a corporation, firm, or person, who, by the employment of Journeypersons, performs the work of installing wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures, and other appliances for carrying or using electricity for light, heat, or power purposes exclusive of limited energy wiring for heating or refrigeration equipment for service, maintenance, and installation. (Mechanical contractor is main classification)

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for “telecommunications systems” means any system involved in the sending and/or receiving at a distance of voice, sound, data, and/or video transmissions. “Telecommunication device” means an analog or digital electronic device which processes data, telephony, video, or sound transmission as part of a telecommunications system.

Reciprocity: None.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor(Above)2020$75$240$240
Electrical Sign ContractorInstall, alter, and service electrical signs. This may include the removal or installation of no more than three wires not to exceed 15 feet in length and terminating in an existing electrical enclosure directly adjacent to, or at the base of, said sign.2020$75$240$240
Journeyman ElectricianInstall wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures and other appliances.2020$75$72$72
Fire Alarm ContractorCorporation, firm, or person who, by the employment of fire alarm installers, install, maintain, alter, service, and test fire alarm systems in accordance with the Rhode Island Fire Safety Code.2020$75$240$240
Fire Alarm InstallerInstall, maintain, alter, or service and test a fire alarm system used for the purpose of causing an alarm to be sounded in case of fire.2020$75$72$72
Alarm Business(Above)2020 $425$350 (Triennial)
Alarm AgentIndividual employed by an alarm business, who alters, installs, maintains, moves, repairs, replaces, sells, or service an alarm system or responding to, or causing others to respond to an alarm system.2020 $30$15
Telecommunications Systems ContractorCorporation, firm, or person, who, by the employment of licensed telecommunications installers and technicians, performs the work of telecommunications systems.2020$36$120$120
Telecommunications Systems Limited InstallerA person who is qualified to engage in the installation of telecommunications system equipment as attested to by his or her licensing as a telecommunications system limited installer in this state.2020$36$36$36
Telecommunications Systems TechnicianA person who shall be qualified to engage in telecommunications work as attested by his or her licensing as a telecommunications system technician in this state.2020$36$72$72

Division of Professional Regulation
1511 Pontiac Avenue
Cranston, Rhode Island 02920
#: 401-462-8580

South Carolina

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide Fire Alarm Business license is required for any person, firm, association, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity, by law and approved by the board that designs, installs, services, maintains, or alters burglar alarm systems. This includes burglar alarm systems with an electric fence as defined herein, and heat and smoke sensor installed within a burglar alarm system. A burglar alarm system detects intrusion, burglary, and breaking or entering, but does not include home health care signaling devices.

A statewide Fire Alarm Business license is required for any individual, firm, association, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity authorized by law and approved by the board that designs, installs, services, maintains, or alters fire alarm systems.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for “Electrical Contractor” defined as the installation, alteration, or repair of wiring-related electrical material and equipment used in the generating, transmitting, or utilization of electrical energy less than six hundred volts, including all overhead electrical wiring on public rights-of-way for signs and street decorations and all underground electrical distribution systems of less than six hundred volts serving private properties. This subclassification also includes, but is not limited to, installing, altering, and repairing, panels, controls, conductors, conduits, cables, devices, plates, electric ceilings, control wiring; and electric heating, lighting fixtures, lamps, general outside lighting, underground and overhead feeder distribution systems for services, and related components or work necessary to provide a complete electrical system and installing window or through-the-wall air conditioning units not to exceed three HP or three tons where no piping is necessary. Under this subclassification, general outside lighting is limited solely to within property lines and not on public easements or rights-of-way. A contract that contains electrical work above 50 volts must be performed by a contractor licensed under this subclassification or a licensed public electrical utility contractor. This license subclassification includes installing, altering, and repairing all lighting on private property, athletic fields, stadiums, parking lots, and the design, installation, and servicing of fire alarm systems.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: All work over 50 volts requires an Electrical Contractor license. Low-voltage/limited energy cable wiring and installation is defined as exempt.

Reciprocity: The South Carolina Contractors Licensing Board currently has (electrical) reciprocal agreements with: Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Utah.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor(Above)2020$75$350$135
Alarm Business(Above)2020$195$200$200

South Carolina Contractors Licensing Board
110 Centerview Drive
Columbia, South Carolina 29210
#: 803-896-4686

South Dakota

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: There is no statewide alarm system licensure requirement. Fire alarm systems are regulated at the local level.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for “Electrical Contractor”, which is a person having the necessary qualifications, training, experience, and technical knowledge, to plan, lay out, and supervise the installation and repair of electrical wiring, apparatus, an equipment for electric light, heat and power in accordance with the standard rules governing such work; and who undertakes or offers to undertake with another to plan for, lay out, supervise and install or to make additions, alteration and repairs in the installation of such work.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Exemption for licensure is provided for employees of alarm and communications companies or services when wiring an alarm or communications system when the system is classified as power limited Class 2 or Class 3 signaling circuits, power limited fire protective signaling circuits, Class 2 or Class 3 alarm circuits, or communications circuits or systems. Please note that those installing burglar alarms, communications equipment, and sound equipment, are required to be licensed for Sales, Use, and Contractors Excise Tax.

Reciprocity: Journeyman: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. Electrical Contractor: Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wyoming.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorPlan, lay out, and supervise the installation and repair of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment for electric light, heat, and power.2020 $200$200
Class B ElectricianAt least 36 months of experience in wiring, installing, and repairing electrical apparatus and equipment.2020 $100$100
JourneymanAt least 4 fours of experience in wiring, installing, and repairing electrical apparatus and equipment.2020 $80$80

South Dakota State Electrical Commission
217 West Missouri Avenue
Pierre, South Dakota 57501
#: 605-773-3573  f: 605-773-6213


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for any person, partnership, association, corporation who engages in or holds themselves out as engaging in the business of an alarm systems contractor must be certified by the Board. This includes Burglar Alarm, Fire Alarm, CCTV, and Alarm Monitoring.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for electrical contracting (the classification CE is noted on licenses issued after 1992 and represents that the licensee has passed the Board licensing exam and that no county or municipality shall require such state licensee or its employees to pass any county or municipal test or examination pursuant to T.C.A. § 62-6-111(i)(2)(C)).

  1. Electrical Transmission Lines (CE-A, H) – (Exam required)
  2. Electrical Work for Buildings and Structures (CE) – (Exam required)
  3. Underground Electrical Conduit Installation (CE-C) – (No exam)
  4. Sound and Intercom Systems, Fire Detection Systems, Signal and Burglar Alarm Systems and Security Systems up to seventy (70) volts do not require examination-*Please note that a separate license, issued by the Tennessee Alarm Systems Contractors Board, is also required for alarm systems. (CE-D) – (No Exam)
  5. Electrical Signs (CE-E) – (No exam)
  6. Telephone Lines and Ducts (CE-F) – (No exam)
  7. Cable T.V. (CE-G) – (No exam)
  8. Substations (CE-A, H) – (Exam required)
  9. Electrical Temperature Controls (CE-I) – (No exam)
  10. Fire Detection Systems, Signal and Burglar Alarm Systems and Security Systems with conduit and wiring above seventy (70) volts require an electrical exam. (CE-L/CE) – (CE exam required)
  11. Roadway Lighting, Attenuators and Signalization – requires electrical examination. (CE-K/CE) – (CE exam required)
  12. Electric Meter Installation (CE- L/CE) – (CE exam required)

Low-Voltage/ Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide license is required for low-voltage/limited energy (less than 70 volts): Sound, Intercom, Fire Detection or Alarm Systems (CE- D); Telephone Lines (CE-F); and Cabling (CE-G), however, examinations are not required. Local government may require license and inspections.

Reciprocity: The following is a list of states with a trade exam waiver with the Tennessee Contractors license: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, South Caroline, and West Virginia. There is no reciprocity for the Alarm or Limited License Electrician License(s).

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorPerform electrical work that has a total cost in excess of $25,000. Can have specialty classifications (S) in Audio Visual Systems, Low- Voltage Wiring, Meter Installation, and Telecommunications.2017$114$250$200
Limited Licensed ElectricianPerform electrical work that has a total cost of less than $25,000.2017$53$50$50
Alarm Systems ContractorAny person, firm, association, or corporation that sells, installs, services, or monitors alarm systems, signal devices, fire alarms, burglar alarms, television cameras or still cameras used to detect ire, burglary, breaking or entering, intrusion, shoplifting, pilferage or theft.2017$140$500 + $50/ Class.$250/$400 Multiple Class.
Alarm Systems Qualifying AgentSell, install, service or monitor alarm systems, signal devices, fire alarms, burglar alarms, television cameras, or still cameras used to detect fire, burglary, breaking and entering, intrusion, shoplifting, pilferage, or theft.2017 $200 + $50/ Class.$100/$200 Multiple Class.

Board for Licensing Contractors                                   
500 James Robertson Parkway                                     
Nashville, Tennessee 37243                                          
#: 615-741-8307 or 800-544-7693                                

Alarm Systems Contractors
500 Jams Robertson Parkway
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
#: 615-741-9771


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: Class B statewide license required, Sec. 1702.105.  ALARM SYSTEMS COMPANY.   (a)  A person acts as an alarm systems company for the purposes of this chapter if the person sells, installs, services, monitors, or responds to an alarm system or detection device. (b)  An alarm systems company may sell, install, maintain, or service, or offer to sell, install, maintain, or service, an electronic access control device or a mechanical security device that is capable of activation through a wireless signal. An alarm systems company may not rekey an electronic access control device or mechanical security device that can be activated by a key. This subsection does not apply to a mechanical security device or electronic access control device installed in a motor vehicle. Sec. 1702.1055.  ELECTRONIC ACCESS CONTROL DEVICE COMPANY. A person acts as an electronic access control device company for the purposes of this chapter if the person installs or maintains an electronic access control device.

Statewide licensure is required for Fire Alarm Superintendent, Fire Alarm Technician, and Fire Alarm Monitoring Technician. A fire detection device is an arrangement of materials, the sole function of which is to indicate the existence of fire, smoke, or combustion in its incipient stages. Difference in commercial and residential requirements.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for electrical contracting: Design, install, erect, repair, or alter electrical wires or conductors to be used for light, heat, power, or signaling purposes. Includes installation or repair of ducts, raceways, or conduits for the reception or protection of wires of conductors and the installation or repair of any electrical machinery, apparatus or system used for electrical light, heat power, or signaling.

Low-Voltage/ Limited Energy Requirements: Exemptions for licensure exist for the design, installation, erection, repair, or alteration of Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3 remote control, signaling, or power-limited circuits, fire alarm circuits, optical fiber cables, or communications circuits, including raceways, as defined by the National Electrical Code.

Reciprocity: Master Electrician – Louisiana, North Carolina. Journeyman Electrician – Arkansas, Idaho, Alaska, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wyoming.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeRenewal Fee (12 months)
Electrical ContractorDesi Design, install, erect, repair, or alter electrical wires or conductors to be used for light, heat, power, or signaling purposes.2020$78$110$110
Electrical Sign ContractorDesign, manufacture, install, connect, reconnect, or service an electric sign, cold cathode, neon gas tubing, or outline gas tubing, or alter electric sign wiring or conductors either inside or outside of a building.2020$78$110$110
Master ElectricianOn behalf of an electrical contractor, electrical sign contractor, or employing governmental entity, installs maintains, or extends an electrical wiring system and the appurtenances, apparatus, or equipment used in connection with the use of electrical energy in, on, or outside, or attached to a building, residence, structure, property, or premises. Includes service entrance conductors as defined by the National Electrical Code.2020$78$45$45
Journeyman ElectricianUnder the general supervision of a master electrician, on behalf of an electrical contractor, or employing governmental entity, install, maintain or extend am electrical wiring and the appurtenances, apparatus, or equipment used in connection with the use of electrical energy in, on, or outside, or attached to a building, residence, structure, property, or premises. Includes service entrance contractors as defined by the National Electrical Code.2020$78$30$30
Master Sign ElectricianOn behalf of an electrical sign contractor, design, manufacture, install, connect, reconnect, or service an electric sign, cold cathode, neon gas tubing, or outline gas tubing, or alter electric sign wiring or conductors either inside or outside of a building.2020$64$45$45
Journeyman Sign ElectricianWorking under the general supervision of a master electrician or a master sign electrician, on behalf of an electrical sign contractor, design, manufacture, install, connect, reconnect, or service an electric sign, cold cathode, neon gas tubing, or outline gas tubing, or alter electric sign wiring or conductors either inside or outside of a building.2020$64$30$30
Residential Fire Alarm Planning Superintendent (RAS)A registered firm that employs a licensed Residential Fire Alarm Planning Superintendent is permitted to sell, plan, install, certify, service, and monitor all types of fire alarm or detection devices or systems. Residential.2020 $120$200
Commercial Fire Alarm Technician (FAL)A registered firm that employs a licensed Commercial Fire Alarm Technician is permitted to sell, install, certify, service, and monitor all types of fire alarm or detection devices or systems. Planning must be done by another type of qualified firm.2020 $120$200
Residential Fire Alarm TechnicianA registered firm that employs a licensed Residential Fire Alarm Technician is permitted to sell, install, certify, service, and monitor all types of fire alarm or detection devices or systems. Planning must be done by another type of qualified firm.2020 $120$200
Fire Alarm Monitoring Technician (AMT)A registered firm that employs a licensed Fire Alarm Monitoring Technician is only permitted to monitor residential or commercial fire alarm or detection devices or systems.2020 $120$200

Texas Electricians Licensing Program            
PO Box 12157                                                  
Austin, Texas 78711                                        
#: 512-463-6599  f: 512-463-9468

Texas Department of Public Safety               
5805 North Lamar Blvd                                                                          
Austin, Texas 78752-4431                                              
#: 512-463-6599  f: 512-463-9468

Texas State Fire Marshal
#: 512-676-6800

Texas Online Private Security (TOPS)


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for an Alarm Business or Company defined as a person engaged in the sale, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair, replacement, servicing, or monitoring of an alarm system. “Alarm system” means equipment and devices assembled for the purpose of: (a) detecting and signaling unauthorized intrusion or entry into or onto certain premises; or (b) signaling a robbery or attempted robbery on protected premises.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for electrical work: Installation, fabrication, or assembly of equipment or systems included in premises wiring; includes the installation of raceway systems used for electrical purpose and the installation of field-assembled systems such as ice and snow melting, pipe-tracing, or manufactured wiring systems.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Electrical trade does not include:

  • Transporting or handling electrical materials;
  • Preparing clearance for raceways or wiring;
  • Work commonly done by unskilled labor on any installations under the exclusive control of electrical utilities;
  • Work involving cable-type wiring that does not pose a shock of fire-initiation hazard; or
  • Work involving Class 2 or Class 3 power-limited circuits as defined in the National Electrical Code.

Reciprocity: Journeyman Electrician: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Master Electrician: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Residential Master: Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Washington.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeRenewal Fee (18 Months)
Master ElectricianPlan, layout, and supervise the wiring, installation, and repair of electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, power, and other purposes.2020$78$110$68
Journeyman ElectricianWire, install, and repair electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, power, and other purposes.2020$78$110$68
Residential MasterProperly plan, layout, and supervise the wiring, installation, and repair of electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, power, and other purposes on residential projects.2020$78$110$68
Residential JourneymanWire, install, and repair electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, power, and other purposes on buildings using primarily nonmetallic sheath cable.2020$78$110$68
ApprenticeLearning the electrical trade under the immediate supervision of a master electrician, residential master electrician, a journeyman electrician, or a residential journeyman electrician.2020$78$110$68
Alarm CompanySale, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair, replacement, servicing, or monitoring of an alarm system.2020$78$330$208
Alarm Company AgentEmployed by an alarm company and engaged in the sale, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair, replacement, servicing, and monitoring of an alarm system.2020$78$60$47

Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
160 East 300 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
#: 801-530-6628


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: You must be licensed as a Master Electrician or Type S Journeyman Electrician to install, service, and maintain fire alarm systems. Security alarms/systems are regulated on the local level.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: Statewide licensure is required for “electrical installation” defined as wires, fixtures, or apparatus installed in a complex structure or at the construction site of such structure for the transmission and use of commercially supplied or privately generated electrical energy.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Exemption: Installation, operation, repair, or wiring associated with telecommunications services and equipment used for the transmission of information by electricity regardless of the location of such electrical installations, equipment, or facilities.

Reciprocity: The Vermont Division of Fire Safety currently has reciprocal agreements with Maine and New Hampshire.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Master ElectricianDesign, install, repair, maintain, and replace electrical installations including lightning rods, fire alarms, and fire detection systems as his or her principal business.2017 $150$150
Journeyman ElectricianPerform electrical installation under the direction of a master electrician and may supervise an apprentice electrician or an electrician’s helper.2017 $115$115
Type S Journeyman ElectricianCommercial Fire alarm systems. (G7c) Electrical locksmith. (G7k)2017 $115/ field$115


Division of Fire Safety
45 State Drive
Waterbury, Vermont 05671
#: 802-479-7564


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for an Electronic Security Business: Install, service, maintain, design, or consult in the design of any electronic security equipment to an end user; respond to or cause a response to electronic security equipment for an end user; or have access to confidential information concerning the design, extent, status, password, contact list, or location of an end user’s electronic security equipment. An Electronic Security Technician is an individual who installs, services, maintains or repairs electronic security equipment.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license for the Electrical Contractor classification of Electrician: consists of, but is not limited to, the following: (i) planning and layout of details for installation or modifications of electrical apparatus and controls including preparation of sketches showing location of wiring and equipment; (ii) measuring, cutting, bending, threading, assembling, and installing electrical conduits; (iii) performing maintenance on electrical systems and apparatus; (iv) observation of installed systems or apparatus to detect hazards and need for adjustments, relocation, or replacement; and (v) repairing faulty systems or apparatus. You may be licensed as a Class A, B, or C electrical contractor. The Board may require a master tradesman license as a condition of licensure for electrical, plumbing, and heating, ventilation, and air conditionings contactors.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: Exemption: Any person who is licensed as a private security service business shall not be required to be licensed or certified to engage in, contracting work in the Commonwealth when bidding upon or performing services to install, service, maintain, design, or consult in the design of any electronic security equipment including but not limited to, limited energy cabling, network cabling, and computer or systems integration.

Reciprocity: The Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation currently has reciprocal agreements with Alabama, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, and West Virginia.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeBiennial Renewal Fee
Class A ContractorPerform or manage construction, removal, repair, or improvements when (i) the total value referred to in a single contract or project is $120,000 or more, (ii) the total value of all such construction, removal, repair, or improvements undertaken by such person with any 12-month period is $750,000 or more.2017$85$385$290
Class B ContractorPerform of manage construction, removal, repair, or improvements when (i) the total value referred to in a single contract or project is $10,000 or more, but less than $120,000, (ii) the total value of all such construction, removal, repair, or improvements undertaken by such person with any 12-month period is $150000 or more, but less than $750,000.2017$85$370$275
Class C ContractorPerform or manage construction, removal, repair, or improvement when (i) the total value referred to in a single contract or project is over $1,000 but less than $10,000, (ii) the total value of all such construction, removal, repair, improvements undertaken by such person within any 12-month period is less than $150,000.2017$85$235$245
Master TradesmanPlan and layout the details for installation and supervise the work of installing, repairing, and maintaining specific types of materials and equipment.2017$125$130 
Journeyman TradesmanInstall, repair, and maintain specific types of materials and equipment.2017$100$130 
Electronic Security Business(Above)2017N/A$800 
Electronic Security Technician(Above)2017   
LocksmithSells, services, rebuilds, repairs, rekeys, repins, changes the combination to an electrical or mechanical locking device; programs either keys to a device or the device to accept electronic controlled keys; originates keys for locks or copies keys; adjusts or installs locks or deadbolts, mechanical or electronic locking devices, egress control devices, safes, and vaults; opening, defeating or bypassing locks or latching mechanisms in a manner other than intended by manufacturer.2017 $800 

Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation                     
9660 Mayland Drive                                                                                     
Richmond, Virginia 23233                                                                           
#: 804-367-8511                                                                                           

Department of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Bank Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
#: 804-786-4000


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide Low-Voltage Specialty Electrical Contractor license is required for fire alarm systems. Fire alarm system” means electrically operated circuits, instruments, and devices, including the necessary electrical sources, designed to transmit alarms, supervisory signals, and trouble signals necessary for the protection of life and property.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for Class A and Class B Basic Electrical Work: (A) Replacement of a contactor, relay, timer, starter, circuit board, or similar control component; household appliance; circuit breaker; fuse; residential luminaire; lamp; snap switch; dimmer; receptacle outlet; thermostat; heating element; luminaire ballast with an exact same ballast; ten horsepower or smaller motor; or wiring, appliance, devices or equipment as specified by rule. (B) Work other than Class A that requires minimal electrical circuit modifications and has limited exposure to hazards. Includes: extensions of not more than one branch electrical circuit limited to 120 volts and 20 amps each where no cover inspection is necessary, and the extension does not support more than two outlets.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide Limited Energy Systems license is required to perform the installation of signaling and power limited circuits and related equipment. This includes the installation of telecommunications, HVAC/refrigeration limited energy wiring, fire protection signaling systems, intrusion alarms, energy management and control systems, industrial and auto-matron control systems, lighting control systems, commercial and residential amplified sound, public address systems, and such similar low-energy circuits and equipment in all occupancies and locations.

Reciprocity: The Washington Electrical Program has a reciprocal agreement with Oregon.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorPerson, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity that offers to undertake, undertakes, submits a bid for, or does the work of installing or maintaining wires or equipment that convey electrical current.2020N/A$337.6$293.6 (Biannual)
Telecommunications ContractorPerson, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity that advertises, offers to undertake, undertakes, submits a bid for, or foes the work of installing or maintaining telecommunications systems.2020N/A$337.6$254.6 (Biannual)
Telecommunications AdministratorPerson designated by a telecommunications contractor to supervise the installation of telecommunications systems.2020 $44$96.4
Master Journey Level ElectricianMay be designated by an electrical contractor to supervise electrical work and electricians.2020$175$169.8$145.8
Master Specialty Electrician(Same as above but in specialty fields)2020$175$169.8$145.8
ElectricianInstall or maintain electrical wires and equipment that are used for light, heat, or power and installing and maintaining remote control, signaling, power limited, or communications circuits. (May specialize)2020$95.20  
Sign Electrician (04)Limited to placement and connection of signs and outline lighting, the electrical supply, related telecommunications controls and associated circuit extensions thereto; and the installation of a maximum 60 ampere, 120/240-volt single phase service to supply power to a remote sign only. This specialty may service, maintain, repair, or install retrofit kits within housings of existing exterior luminaires that are mounted on a pole or other structure with like-in-kind or retrofit kit components.2020$95.20  
Limited Energy Systems (06)(Above)2020$95.20  
Telecommunications Specialty (09)Limited to the installation, maintenance, and testing of telecommunications systems, equipment, and associated hardware, pathway systems, and cable management systems.2020$95.20  
Door, Gate, and Similar Systems (10)Install, service, maintain, repair, or replace door/gate/similar systems electrical operator wiring and equipment. Includes low-voltage/limited energy, NEC Class 2 door/gate/similar systems electrical operator systems where the systems are not connected to other systems.2020$84.90  

Washington Electrical Program
PO Box 44460
Olympia, Washington 98504
#: 360-902-5799  f: 360-902-5792

West Virginia

Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide specialty low-voltage/limited energy electrician license is required for Fire and Burglar Alarm Systems.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for “Electrical Contractor” defined as a person who installs, erects, repairs, or alters electrical equipment for the generation, transmission, or utilization or electrical energy.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide specialty low-voltage electrician license (SP-LV) (Fire and Burglar Alarm Systems) which authorizes the licensee to install, maintain, or repair only limited energy wiring, 80 volts or less, and directly related wiring. Wiring is directly related if it: (A) originates at the load-side terminals of a disconnecting means or junction box that: (a) has been installed, complete with  line-side connections, by others for the specific purpose of supply the limited energy wiring system involved; and (b) is permanently and legibly marked to identify the limited energy wiring system supplied; and (B) is not installed in a location considered as hazardous under the National Electrical Code.

Reciprocity: Contractor: North Carolina, Ohio, and Tennessee. Electrical: All 50 states with “letter of good standing” and possesses minimum West Virginia licensure requirements.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor(Above)2020$47.5$90$90
Master ElectricianPerson with at least 5 years of experience, including experience in all phases of electrical wiring and installation, who is competent to instruct and supervise the electrical work of Journeyman and Apprentice Electricians.2020$25$50$50
JourneymanPerson qualified by at least 4 years of electrical and work experience to do any work installing wires, conduits, apparatus, equipment, fixtures, and other appliances subject to supervision by a master electrician.2020$25$50$50
Specialty Low-Voltage Electrician (SP-LV)Authorizes the licensee to install, maintain, or repair only low-voltage/limited energy wiring, 80 volts or less, and directly related wiring (includes fire and burglar alarm systems).2020$25$50$50
Specialty Electric Sign (SP-ES)Authorized licensee to install, maintain, or repair electric wiring or devices only as an incident to the licensee’s electric sign business. Wiring must be directly related to electric signs and is electronically isolated from the building wiring system.2020$25$50$50

West Virginia Contractor Licensing Board
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, West Virginia 25305      
#: 304-558-7890          

Regulatory and Licensing Division
1207 Quarrier Street, 2nd Floor
Charleston, West Virginia 25301
#: 304-558-2191 (ext. 20778)  f: 304.558.2537


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: There is no statewide license requirement. Fire and security systems are regulated on a local level.

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: Statewide licensure is required for the business of installing, repairing, or maintaining electrical wiring. “Electrical wiring” means all equipment, wiring, material, fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures, and apparatus used for the production, modification, regulation, control, distribution, utilization, or safeguarding of electrical energy for mechanical, chemical, cosmetic, heating, lighting, or similar purposes, as specified under the state electrical wiring code.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: There is no statewide limited energy license. It specifically states a person engaged in installing, repairing, or maintaining equipment or systems that operate at 100 volts or less is exempt from electrical licensing.

Reciprocity: The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services has a reciprocal agreement with Iowa.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeFour Year Renewal Fee
Electrical ContractorOwner of a contracting business, a partner in a contracting business applying on behalf of a partnership, or the chairman of the board of Chief Executive Officer applying on behalf of the contracting cooperation, that can utilize licensed/registered individuals to construct, install, repair, or maintain electrical wiring.2017N/A$235$200 (Biennial)
Master ElectricianInstallation, repair, or maintenance or electrical wiring2017$30$235$200
Journeyman ElectricianPerform electrical wiring activities under the general supervision of a person who holds a license as a licensed Master Electrician or a registration as a Registered Master Electrician.2017$30$135$100

Department of Safety and Professional Services
4822 Madison Yards Way                                                                                        
Madison, Wisconsin 53705
#: 608-266-2112


Last Updated November 17, 2023

Alarm System Requirements: A statewide license is required for alarm systems (LV-A).

Electrical Contractor/Electrician Requirements: A statewide license is required for any person who contracts with another or contracts services to plan, layout, and supervise the installation of electric equipment. This includes installing, altering, and repairing the wiring of apparatus equipment and conductors subject to the National Electrical Code.

Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Requirements: A statewide Low-Voltage Apprentice or Technician license is required for a variety of systems operating at 90 volts or less including: All categories (LV-G); Alarm Systems (LV-A); Communication Systems (LV-C); Sound Systems (LV-S); Television and Satellite Systems (LV-T); Control Systems (LV-X); and Lawn Sprinkler Systems (LV-LS). Exemptions: Cable-TV, Satellite-TV, and telecommunications, including data and related services of Cable-TV, Satellite-TV, and telecommunications.

Reciprocity: Journeyman Electrician – Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, and Texas. Master Electrician: Idaho, Iowa, and South Dakota.

License TypeDescriptionNEC VersionExam FeeLicense FeeTriennial Renewal Fee
Electrical Contractor(Above)2023 $400$400 (Annual)
Master Electrician8 years of experience in the electrical wiring industry and can plan, lay out, and supervise the installation of electric equipment.2023 $200$100
Journeyman Electrician4 years of experience in the electricians wiring industry and can install and supervise the installation of electrical equipment.2023 $100$50
Limited/Low-Voltage Electrical Contractor:Contract with another to plan, layout, and supervise the installation of electrical equipment.2023 $200$200 (Annual)
Low-Voltage Technician2 years of experience in the portion of the electrical industry covered by his low-voltage/limited energy license and can install and supervise the installations of electrical equipment.2023 $100$50

Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety
320 West 25th Street, 3rd Floor,
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
#: 302-777-7288

State Licensing Quick Reference Guide
StateAlarm Security RequirementsElectrician/Contractor RequirementsLow-Voltage Requirements
Arkansas X X
Colorado X
District of ColumbiaXXX
Hawaii X X X
Missouri X 
New Hampshire VoluntaryXX
New JerseyXXX
New MexicoXXX
New YorkXLocalLocal
North CarolinaXXX
North DakotaXX 
Rhode IslandXXX
South CarolinaXX
South DakotaXX 
West VirginiaXXX