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August 8, 2023

Project Management Training Can Be Your Secret to Success


The right project management training course—one that provides comprehensive curriculum to enhance your abilities and boost project outcomes—can set you on the right track.

Many project managers responsible for systems integration projects feel intimated by the general contractor or electrical contractor on the construction site. There are schedules, reputations, money, egos, client satisfaction, and possible penalties on the line.

Frustrations can easily stem from frequent changes to your project scope or delays by other trades that impact your work—especially without appropriate compensation or concessions. Many of the decisions made and events that occur on a jobsite lead to an overrun on your team’s installation hours due to site revisits or time wasted waiting.

But there’s good news. You can learn how to play the construction game and take your team’s project management skills to the next level so you’re ready for whatever may come your way.

Virtual training to improve your Frontline PM teams

Focused project management training, such as the Frontline Project Management course offered by Enterprise Performance Consulting and NSCA, can equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to take full control of your projects and generate the outcome you want, which creates a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in your project management role, the right training—one that provides comprehensive curriculum that will enhance your abilities and boost your career prospects—can set you on the right track.

Here’s what you should look for in a project management training program.

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1. Taught by Industry Experts

The training should be led by experienced project managers from within this industry—people who understand the nuances of technology integration projects, understand the roadblocks that can stand in the way of success, and navigate the challenges of working with a general contractor or electrical contractor. Make sure they have real-world experience successfully executing numerous projects across various industries.

For example, our Frontline Project Management course is led by Nadim Sawaya of Enterprise Performance Consulting.

He has more than 35 years of executive and operations management experience with general and specialty contractors and has held project management and operations roles at companies like Stanley Security, Siemens, Omega Security, Pinkerton, Convergint Technologies, and ACME Security.

He also founded and managed Integrated Security Network (ISN), a division of Honeywell, where he designed and delivered specialized training and support programs to security integrators with exceptional results.

In this training, he shares his invaluable insights, best practices, and real-world examples to help you navigate the complexities of project management with confidence.

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2. Curriculum Focused on Master Essential Project Management Techniques

From defining and planning to implementation and closing, the training should cover all aspects of project management as it relates to systems integration projects, from AV and security to communication systems.

A hands-on approach will help you gain practical skills that you can immediately apply to your projects.

In this hands-on Frontline Project Management course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Review project estimates and proposals
  • Create realistic schedules
  • Allocate resources effectively
  • Manage scope changes
  • Ensure successful project delivery every time

3. A Focus on Growing Your PM Network

One of the greatest benefits of a project management training course is the opportunity to connect with other project management professionals like you. You’ll be able to commiserate about challenges, share best practices, and learn from the experiences of others.

Our Frontline Project Management courses help shape a vibrant community: a place where you can exchange ideas, seek advice, and build valuable relationships that last well after the training ends.

Are You Ready to Learn?

We have Frontline Project Management training courses coming up in June, October, and December 2024. Now’s your chance to get your frontline team members the education, support, and training they need.

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