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May 3, 2016

Customer Loyalty: Can It Be Improved?

Customer Loyalty

Bill from Maine asks: “We have no customer loyalty anymore. Any ideas for us?”

NSCA responds: Customer loyalty means that, despite economic activities and competitive attempts to disrupt the relationship, clients continue to regularly use your business over other alternatives.

It’s important to understand factors that can impact loyalty in the first place:

  • Purchasing policies
  • Customer satisfaction levels
  • Your core product offering
  • The market in general
  • Convenience
  • Personal relationships

In some cases, you can control and work to improve customer loyalty; in other cases, you can’t.

In situations where you do have control over customer loyalty, there are a few things you can do to help improve your reputation as a systems integrator. You want to be known as an integrator that’s easy to do business with: one that is on time and on budget, and completes projects correctly.

To maintain customer loyalty, we also recommend that you avoid open-bidding situations. To find out why, watch this short video.

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