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XBO Schedule

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Integration for the Next Generation

Introducing the XBO Experience, a new collaboration between NSCA and Ignite, taking place on November 12-13 in Atlanta, GA. This event is designed by and for emerging talent in the system integration industry.

BLC conference

Level Up Your Career

Whether you’re new to the industry or rising fast, XBO offers industry-specific development and networking opportunities made for the next generation of integration leaders.

Peer Driven

Collaborate with fellow attendees and build business networks that last.

Next-Gen Speakers

Hear from the thought leaders and innovators driving today’s trends.

Dynamic Sessions

Bounce ideas and learn leadership skills in a truly energized setting.

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Next-Level Fun

Build relationships in a fun, energetic environment you’ll actually enjoy.

XBO 2024 Schedule

The XBO Experience will bring a new focus to ongoing and emerging trends, as well as educate newer professionals about the industry’s best practices and most proven methods.

Powered by NSCA’s Next Gen Academy curriculum with support from NSCA’s tried-and-true business insights, we’ve built this schedule to aid in prepare new leaders for the generational shift underway now.

Check out what the NSCA team has planned with the schedule below.

The XBO’s schedule is chock-full of great content. Here’s what you can expect:

7:00 am


8:05 am

Opening Session: What Is Emotional Intelligence and Why All Leaders Should Have It.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) refers to the ability to perceive, understand, express, and regulate one’s own emotions, as well as those of others. It is a characteristic every leader should possess and can be developed further regardless of your intelligence or personality. Those who possess a high level of EQ are not as affected by stress, which can contribute to effectiveness in job performance, team functionality, relationship development, and more. Understanding emotional intelligence and learning how to develop it is an important factor for personal leadership and growth. 

Key Talking Points:

  • Learning from failure, embrace the not knowing
  • Being open to change
  • Adapting quickly to rapidly changing situations
  • Holding yourself accountable when faced with stressful situations
  • Ethics, integrity, and honesty with ourselves and others
  • Fear of making mistakes
9:20 am

Breakout 1: Can You Repeat That? Understanding Communication Styles to Avoid Misinterpretation

Everyone has heard the saying, “you know what happens when you assume,” and this applies directly when a workplace is lacking in effective communication. Just as everyone contributes different skills and strength to their job or company, everyone has different ways in which they communicate. Understanding and accepting those differences, especially in working relationships, is key to functioning effectively as a team. You must be open to those differences as a leader and be willing to change the way you communicate to fit the needs of your team. By keeping an open mindset and adapting to this change, you open the door for overall success.

Key talking points:

  • Communicating solutions for complicated problems to a non-technical client
  • How we interact with technical and non-technical team members
  • Customer facing communication best practices
  • Asking the right (not the most) questions and active listening
12:15 pm


1:30 pm

Keynote: Organizational Culture: How to Develop Globally Competent Leaders

Key talking points:

  • Understand and appreciated different cultures among their teams
  • How to be assertive leaders
  • DEI
  • Understand and appreciate differences among their teams
2:45 pm

Breakout 3: Trust in the Work Place: How Authority Can Make or Break It.

Key talking points:

  • Dysfunctions of a team and how to correct/ redirect them
  • Vulnerability based trust discussions on apprehension to be assertive
  • Using our strengths and personality to gain trust and respect
  • The actions and words that build or destroy reputations
  • Issues and fears on overstepping your authority
4:00 pm

Cocktail Hour

Diverse busy business group meeting at table, working on project together, discussing startup, negotiating, brainstorming in modern company office, co-working space, Wide shot

Book XBO Early and Save 

NSCA members are eligible for a reduced XBO Experience rate by registering early! Don’t miss your chance to experience this new must-attend event for emerging professionals in the system integration industry.