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Design Element

Establishing an Outside Advisory Council


September 3, 2015

Establishing an Outside Advisory Council

Keith from Kansas asks: “How do we get an outside advisory council started within our company, and who should we include?”


August 13, 2015

Utilization and Productivity Metrics Count

Mike from Florida asks: “Can you explain the difference between utilization and productivity?”


August 4, 2015

The Complexities of Extended Warranties

Is it unethical for integrators to not tell their end-user customers that the manufacturer has an extended warranty covering their product?


June 30, 2015

The True Intent of Prevailing Wage

Catherine from Oklahoma asks: “We are seeing more prevailing wage requirements on service work. Are you? Is everyone else?”


April 29, 2015

'Ex Machina': The Consciousness Test

If only Alan Turing was alive today. He would have enjoyed the acclaim of the movie about his life, The Imitation Game, and the great public interest around his role […]


April 29, 2015

30 Bad Management Behaviors

We all need to occasionally gripe about our boss now and then. I’m sure it’s somewhere on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. And managers, you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think […]


April 28, 2015

16 Psychology Tips to Upgrade Your Cold Sales Emails

Prospects are people, too. And people are hard-wired to respond more positively to certain words and types of messaging. I know, I know, you’re in sales — you’re not a […]


April 28, 2015

Stress Eating Helps, When They're These Superfoods

When work deadlines begin piling up and your social calendar is booked, the last thing you want to hear is to steer clear of the vending machine. Who has time […]


April 16, 2015

Opening Day and AV's Busy Season

Baseball is everywhere! There is nothing more indicative of the spring and summer seasons than baseball. The fresh smell of the ballpark and the chants with the organ are traditions […]


March 17, 2015

Company Wellness Plans: Do They Save You Money?

With the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (and many small businesses having to purchase group insurance for the first time), many companies are now employing wellness programs. There are […]