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April 26, 2022

A Q&A with Insperity: Is Outsourced HR Right for You?


Outsourced HR can be a viable option for integrators. In the right situations, it comes with many benefits.

Outsourcing models have taken hold in many areas of the integration industry, from marketing and estimating to accounting.

What many NSCA members don’t realize, however, is that outsourcing HR is a viable option, too—and, in the right situations, it comes with many benefits:

  • HR staff are freed from administrative work to focus on strategic initiatives
  • It’s easier to keep up with changing regulations
  • Help with creating policies and procedures
  • Access to HR technology and support

To help you better understand outsourced HR, we sat down with Insperity to ask some questions.

Q: What does Insperity do?

A: Insperity is an NSCA Business Accelerator and outsourced HR solutions provider. When we talk with NSCA members, we like to explain it like this: “You’re an outsourced AV integrator or IT provider. Companies outsource to you for their AV, security, or IT needs. We serve as a resource for outsourced HR.”

Q: What value does Insperity bring to NSCA members?

A: COVID-19 taught many businesses how difficult it is to be an employer. That’s at the heart of what Insperity does. We help business owners be better employers. That involves everything from compliance with ever-changing government regulations at state, local, and federal levels to the administrative part of what it takes to be an employer (I-9s, W-2s, handbooks, etc.). You want your workers to feel like they’re coming to work at a place that knows how to employ people.

We also help with revenue generation: At the end of the day, your people are your biggest revenue generators. We can help you keep track of them from Day One to offboarding.

Q: What types of integrators do you work with?

A: We have two solutions so we can serve small and large integrators. The difference is found in where responsibility and risk lie.

Workforce Acceleration (WX) is our traditional employment solution. It’s for business owners who are comfortable retaining employer-related risks but need help with HR technology, support, and efficiency so things run smoothly. Instead of a full suite of services, it offers payroll, time and attendance, and performance management solutions, along with an option to broker benefits if needed.

Workforce Optimization (WO) is a co-employment solution that provides proprietary HR technology and connects you with a dedicated team of HR professionals who help your business do well. It’s set up as a professional employer organization (PEO) model; a PEO enters into a joint-employment relationship with an employer by leasing employees to the employer, allowing the PEO to share and manage many employee-related responsibilities and liabilities. In other words: It allows you to shift employer-related risk to Insperity. This solution also includes benefits administration so Insperity can offer benefits to your employees under plans we sponsor while HR specialists take care of a multitude of tasks, such as FSA, COBRA, and retirement administration duties.

Either way, these solutions help your business focus on its core competencies—and worry less about HR- and employer-related issues.

Q: With hiring being such a hot-button issue, what does Insperity offer in that area?

A: It would be hard to identify a business in America that, at some point, hasn’t struggled with talent acquisition and onboarding. We’ve seen people in scenarios where they accept a job offer, start the onboarding process, and quickly realize that things aren’t what they seem. That’s what we can help you avoid, whether it’s by exploring your core values and writing job descriptions, helping you find new ways to make employment look more attractive, or defining career paths and training and development for workers. We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. We provide a level of service and depth of care based on what you need.

Have more questions about outsourced HR? Watch this video.

Learn more about Insperity here.

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